He stood me up...again

i need some answers. all my friends advice are very contradicting and I'm totally confused. I ve been dating this guy for a month. He is not like any guy I've met. he's not a jerk. He is very sweet and nice. he's a good guy. Trust me I have three brothers. I know the difference between a jerk and a good guy. So anyways, we have been on five dates, and he has slept over twice, no sex, just kiss and cuddle. He didn't even try 2nd base or anything. here's the thing, he has been late all the time and I've talked about it to him, and now he makes an effort to call me if he's running late. Secondly, I told him I needed more attention so he texts me wishing me a great day and stuff like that. I have all the signs that he's into me and then BOOM. He stood me up. Not once but twice, The first time it was for church. he's not a church guy and I know he was just saying yes to please me. Sunday comes and no call no show. I called him, no answer...so I text him saying maybe we should just be friends. Stupid text, but I thought he got scared Because we were moving too fast or something...but he never replied. I waited 4 days and called him, and he said he didn't call Because he thought I was still mad. He figured he would wait until I calm down. That same day he came over and we talked for hours about where this is going and how I didn't like what he did. He told me he was sorry and really into me and wants to see where this goes...everything was perfect until Friday night. He called me and told me he wanted to see me Saturday. he said he would call at 4pm. he never called...i waited until 11pm and finally call him. no answer. so I got mad and texted him saying that he's a douche bag and to never call me again...that was 3 days ago...he hasn't called. So I was fine with my decision up until I was talking to some guy friends and they were basically saying that I was in the wrong and I shouldn't cut him off just for that because guys do stupid things but it doesn't mean that they don't care...or that sometimes guys just ignore situations to avoid drama and bla bla bla bla...so what should I do...opinions please
He stood me up...again
2 Opinion