Guy bff liking me back?

So there's this guy. He's a year younger than I am and we've been friends for almost 5 years. We were friends, classmates, teammates, etc. I've become a part of his family. Before I left for university, he had just broken up with his first serious girlfriend. Even when he was with her, he always seemed to have this chemistry with me --I wasn't the only one who noticed it. We would joke about being "best friends". He would try to spend time with me as much as possible, would ask me who I have a crush on, etc. He told people he was going to make a move, but the timing wasn't right (also said he would've dated me if I wasn't leaving). Over the pst couple of years, we've still stayed connected and that chemistry is still there. He's always there whenever I need someone, when he looks at me while I talk I feel like he's daydreaming or something because he's so focused on what I'm talking about. The other day I FTed him and he answered, in some girl's room and kinda seemed to be hiding that fact, however, he was all chatty while I was trying not to cry bc I knew there was a girl behind the camera. I've liked him for about four years and I know at some point he felt the same but the time never really seemed right. What do I do? Could this be like Jim-Pam relationship from the Office [because we low-key resemble them exactly]? I want to date and marry this kid but I feel like my chances have vanished, is that true? I'm clueless on what to do so please please please let me know if I ws being delulu and he never liked me or if I'm just overthinking it and he still might have feelings for me deep down?

Guy bff liking me back?
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