1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Yes! I worked at a job where I was totally obsessed with a summer intern but I never got the balls to ask her out - I was broke at the time and she was a friend of a relative of the owner.
00 Reply
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- 27 d
Maybe he's worried that he'll be accused of sexual harassment and fired.
01 Reply- 26 d
Thanks for the MHO.
Can I ask what the situation is? Like have you two flirted or anything? Do you talk a lot?
What Girls & Guys Said
- 26 d
The main why of work relationships is if they go south, you still have to show up at that job and see that person regularly. ALSO, people love gossip and you'll be fodder for the gossip pipeline. None of this is attractive.
If this man is shy and an introvert, neither of these former situations are attractive. Who wants your business in front of your co-workers for their entertainment And I've known such situations. They were embarrassing too.
So, cautious people may avoid workplace entanglements.00 Reply 1.4K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Um, the fact that if you complain to HR he will get written up or fired even if you just made it up or imagined something.
There's even cases where multiple women on a job conspired to lie about a guy just to get even/punish him for rejecting one of them. Worst case the guy could even go to prison on fake rape accusations.
Young guys think about this less but the more a guy has built his career/money, owns a house and so on the more he doesn't think messing with you is worth losing all of that.
00 Reply1.2K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Depends on what kind of moves you are talking about.
There are a number of reasons why someone does not make "moves".
1. Afraid to do the wrong things and be reprimanded. Mostly in the workplace, this could lead to the employee being reprimanded, warned or even fired.
2. Being shy and not voicing his/her concern about an issue or something related to the workplace
3. Having not enough seniority in the workplace and leaving the decision making to other, more senior employees.It could also be that he feels uncomfortable around other employees and refrains from doing something that he is unknown to him.
01 Reply100% and for a lot of reasons, lack of confidence, fear of the hurt that comes with rejection. Some guys would rather just pretend they don't have feelings for someone rather than bring it up because they'd rather be friends and have you around then take a gamble mucking things up and making everything awkward.
00 Reply1.5K opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. A guy in any scenario could like you but be shaking in his boots at the prospect of declaring himself — esp if he’s been hurt before. But bc they’re supposed to be “the strong ones” they keep feelings locked up longer than they should. (Kind of like a girl on a diet… you know? You feel hungry and just hunker down till the feeling vanishes… and convince yourself that this is healthy. It’s not, but that’s a different post for a different day.)
00 Reply- 27 d
Yes, it's definitely possible that a guy at work likes you but is hesitant to make a move. It really depends on the person. Some guys are straightforward and will ask you out, while others might like you but fear rejection or they might want to keep things professional and not stir up anything at work.
00 Reply - 27 d
Working and dating someone from work can be a problem because if the two people break up then one of you will most likely have to leave the work place because it's awkward to be around each other.
And two most bosses don't like work relationships because they feel it will ruin the work place.
10 Reply 603 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. It's considered "sexual harassment" if it's an "unwanted sexual advance". The problem is, you don't know if the advance is wanted until you make it.
20 Reply- 26 d
These days a lot of men will not consider approaching a woman they like because they're afraid of losing their job if they get reported to HR. I know I wouldn't risk it. If you like him, approach him. The risk isn't the same for women. :)
00 Reply 969 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. It is highly likely. Heard of METOO? If your job is important to you than you are best not to take a chance on asking a girl out is the short of it.
00 Reply- 26 d
Yes. Most companies have policies against relationships among their employees. It doesn't always turn out well. and can negatively affect employee performance and morale.
00 Reply - 27 d
Some places you can get fired for dating co-workers. That can make men afraid to make moves.
20 Reply 751 opinions shared on Guy's Behavior topic. Maybe he doesn’t want to risk dating someone in the workplace. It’s honestly not a very good idea to do that.
00 ReplyOften relationships or romantic interests are frowned upon in the work environment that could put a damper on a guy making a move even if he really likes you.
00 Reply- Anonymous(25-29)18 d
Yes offcourse, I like my one of colleague a lot but can't tell her or make a mobe. She might over react and might tell everyone at work. This will cause trouble at work.
So I am not going to tell her ever, how much I respect and like her. It's the only way to avoid. But one it will be my last day in current team then I might tell her.
00 Reply - 23 d
For sure and mostly because they worry about the potential repercussions that come along with it
01 Reply- 23 d
You are right. As a guy we are often judged by our perceived character and how we act in public around others. That judgement can have affects on success and how a reputation is built or destroyed
- 27 d
Lady, I'd not wanna get fired, unless I wanted to get fired (hypothetical ( to your question lol 😂😆 keeping it in your pants men, 👀 ♂️
00 Reply - 19 d
Most definitely. Guys get really nervous when their cock is really small. Also in general a lot of men get really nervous. It's just natural. I think guys that are way more successful get less nervous.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)26 d
Sounds like my current partner. He let it slip that he thought I was hot, so I started to pursue him.
00 Reply - 26 d
Yes. A guy could like you and be afraid to make a move everywhere because of modern American culture. This is why American men are seeking. wives over seas
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)27 d
Smart. Romance at work is not a clever move.
10 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)26 d
Yes, probably because he thinks you're too hot, or he doesn't want to get fired.
00 Reply - Anonymous(30-35)26 d
absolutely, but another reminder that 9 times out of 10, women will never make a move on a guy they like, no matter how much they badly want him
00 Reply - 26 d
Yeah, that’s a rule in a lot of workplaces to prevent sexual harassment complaints
00 Reply - Anonymous(45 Plus)27 d
Yeah. But it's more likely he doesn't and the woman is creating the possibility in her head.
10 Reply - Anonymous(18-24)27 d
Yes, because the company might have rules against it.
10 Reply - 26 d
Probably because he doesn't want to get fired genius
00 Reply - Anonymous(36-45)26 d
Yes, yes, and it is best not to have an office romance. As they tend to get messy.
00 Reply Yes. Workplace romance can be a slippery slope.
00 Reply- 26 d
Two words
Human Resources
00 Reply Why don't you ask him out?
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