What does it mean when an Aquarius male kisses you?

don't answer if your not into horoscopes

What does it mean when an Aquarius male kisses you?

My friend and I kissed but I never even expected it. he kissed me out of no where and I wasn't even doing anything but I realized I loved it and went with it and we made out heavily lol we slept in the same bed but nothing happened then the next night I joked I had no idea what he was talking about pretending I was drunk...which we weren't enough to not know what we were doing.

Anyway we had been cuddling and hugging both nights after and I joked and he said oh really and reached up and kisses me again and I loved it and kissed him a few times as I laid on him, which he felt so protecting. I left and eventually texted a day or 2 later that I couldn't get that out of my mind and I liked it but I wished it hadn't happened so I wasn't thinking about it. I just want to kiss him more that's why I wish it didn't happen because I don't think it will again sadly even though I wish it would.

He said he enjoyed it and we both had said we don't do that its the first tie to just go crazy. He even said when we started he didn't know what he was doing which was cute :)

anyway what does this mean? I told him, even though I like him which I didn't say, I assured him just cause we made out doesn't mean I'm expecting anything lol (im OK if it happens)

He said the typical line of building a great friendship which I knew he would lol

but that said does he like me? he said he couldn't help it that I was so beautiful laying next to him and he even reiterated it the second time that he couldn't help it

im pretty Aquarius but eh? Does he like me and will it happen again if I go see him and were alone? I know another good aqua friend said if it were him he would give me the cold shoulder and pretend he doesn't like me then out of no where he'd surprise me with a kiss on the cheek. hmmmm I know he wants to be friends duh me too but will it still happen?
+1 y
people are so stupid I dotn CARE of your not into it...you clearly think I'm talking magazine bullsh*t and psychics not natal charts and planets or do you think those are made up to. PLEASEEEEEEE only answer if you care

stop trolling
What does it mean when an Aquarius male kisses you?
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