Why is nothing I do for my boyfriend ever good enough, how can I get him to respect me?

I feel very disrespected and unappreciated often times in my relationship. My boyfriend is perfect. He comes from a great Catholic-Italian family and was raised really well. He's taken care of himself financially since he was like 16 years old. Him and his brothers are great guys who were raised to be very respectful people. But my boyfriend doesn't respect me the way he should. His mother does everything for him, his brothers, and their father. She doesn't have her license so she is always home, and still does their laundry and cooks for them, even though two of the brothers are moved out and engaged/married. All they know is their mother taking care of them day in and day out (and I don't blame them for that, that's what they grew up with). I am an excellent girlfriend. I take care of my boyfriend and I do more for him that his brother's fiance does for him. I cook, clean, don't go out partying, help him with school/homework, make lunches for him to take to school/work. Whatever he needs or asks, I do it. Not because I feel like I have to, but because I want to and I love to. I feel like as a woman and as his girlfriend it is my job to take care of him and treat him like a man should be treated. I love taking care of him. But he never appreciates all the things I do for him. He is my number one priority and everyone knows that except him. Everyone knows how good he has it, except him. I'm sick of him making comments that make me feel like I'm not good enough or nothing I do is good enough. If I go a few weeks without cooking for him, he makes a comment. If I don't fix a pair of pants right away that he needs fixed, he makes a comment. I have my own life to worry about too, I can't always jump when he needs something. But he is my number one priority and I do more for him that most people my age do for their significant other. I am almost 24 and he is almost 22. He is my best friend and I think my soul mate. He is perfect for me. But does he not appreciate the things that I DO do because he is so used to his mother catering to him 24/7? I just want to feel appreciated, respected, and know that my efforts are noticed. HELP!
Why is nothing I do for my boyfriend ever good enough, how can I get him to respect me?
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