9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often


Farting is usually seen as a bad thing. Here are reasons you should do it more often.

1. It's good for health.

Scientific research suggests that farting is indeed good for health.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

There's been recent studies that say that even sniffing them is good and can prevent cancer. You can read more about it here.

2. It's an excellent early warning system.

Extreme smells, increasing gas frequency, and strange gas pains can alert you to conditions as mild as lactose intolerance, and as extreme as colon cancer.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

3. It can help you balance your diet.

Different foods produce different kinds of gas, letting you know what you may be missing from your diet, or overindulging in.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

4. It indicates healthy, happy gut bacteria.

All right, here's a slightly unpleasant truth: healthier people often fart more.

In other words, the price you pay for better overall health might be a slightly stinkier digestive system.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

5. It's a relief.

Holding in farts is not dangerous but it can cause cause unnecessary cramps and pain.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

6. You can make people laugh by doing it in public.

Isn't it nice to see those beautiful smiles? No? Okay :/

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

7. It can be used as fuel.

Fun fact: Farts are flammable.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

Edit: So to be clear, do not try this at home. There have been cases of people actually burning themselves.

8. You can use it to fly.

I used to play a game called Daxter. It was a spin-off of the Jak and Daxter series. In that game, you could fly using a fart-powered jetpack. It won't be long before we can do the same in real life.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

9. If we ever have an alien invasion, we need to show them what the human race is capable of.

Fun fact: All the humans that have ever lived have released approximately 17 quadrillion farts. EVER.

Maybe we can increase that number. We can impress them by letting them know. And given that we'll have the jetpacks by then, they won't bother invading.

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often

9 Reasons Why You Should Fart More Often
58 Opinion