How to pull yourself out of a bad mood or depression!


Alright so two weeks ago I had an anxiety attack for not taking care of my self which happened for the first time time in my life. It was due to overstressing and over working at work with a long commute.

I pulled myself out of a temporary depression now but I'd thought I'd share my methods because others do not know these really well. Beware I did not use any alcohol whatsoever or any anti depressants. I am an anti drug person.

How to pull yourself out of a bad mood or depression!

1.) Take a shower that's as cold as possible
What this does it shocks your body and releases massive amounts of adrenaline into your body. When this happens open your eyes and focus on an object outside the shower and try not to close your eyes or move rapidly. Keep yourself in control. This will snap you out of depression temporarily for 2-3 hours worst case scenario and before bed will help you fall asleep. This is also good for the muscles after a workout by making them recover faster. 100 years ago people feeling suicidal would be thrown into ice water to snap them out of it and it works.

2.) Lift -not running- lifting till your arms don't lift
Running is good but lifting is 100x times better for your mental health. Lift as much as your body can handle in many areas. Do arms, legs, squatting with weights, chest but most importantly do it till your arms hurt and feel numb. Don't lift too much too quickly and do it proportionally to your body but lift, tire your muscles out to make them sore after.

3.) Read
Read something that you love but with meaning. Read Harry Potter, lord of the rings but anything with emotion and a story. Something that interests you. This gets your mind going.

4.) Box/Swim/Football/Team sports
Boxing takes out the energy inside you, the crazy inside you and channels your energy trough you body and hence mind. Team sports are sports which boost your mind and the the fact that you do it with others takes it even further.

5.) Volunteer
I currently teach in addition to my job and when I'm teaching little kids I am helping them grow in this world to reach places.

When I do this I get a head rush and feel amazing. The best person in the world. Absolutely amazing.

6.) Avoid alcohol but if you are a drinker do not quit
Quitting alcohol or caffeine creates depression if you do suddenly, taper off slowly.

7.) Avoid masterbating for as long as possible
I've done this for long periods (2 weeks) and by not masturbating your body learns to cope with the increased stress that builds up between your legs. This means that when something stressful happens your more resistant.

Wanking releases stress but wanking daily means that you realease small amounts each day. When something bad happens that's bigger it's harder to deal with. Let your natural stress that you can manage by opening porn, build up inside you, which improves your tolerance to stress.

8.) Socialise
Do I need to explain this?

9.) Think of the people worse than you but in a better mental health
Billions of people around the world or at least millions are in a worse of situation and keep going every day. They have good mental health. Physical health is partially in control. Mental health is in your control if you can get it to be controlled.

I've been through bad stuff my entire life and keep my shit together and keep moving forward. I'm a refugee by the way.

Some people are born in America or UK with the best resources in the world even as an orphan, and still manage to fuck it up and get depressed.

Everyone has bad stuff happen to them.

Its not what happens to us that define who we are.

It's how we react to these events as a person. It's how we bounce back.

Thats what defines us as a person, who you are.

How to pull yourself out of a bad mood or depression!
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