4 Ways That Oranges are Good for Your Health

4 Ways That Oranges are Good for Your Health

One of the few good things about winter in the midwest is the California citrus harvest which brings us sweet, fresh, “eat-from-the-hand” navel oranges from Thanksgiving through Easter. But those orange orbs are more than just a sweet way to fill your fruit quota.

Not only are oranges are the most popular citrus fruit, but they contain vitamin C and other essential nutrients that can provide your body with proven health benefits. Research has shown that they can be an aid in helping prevent or minimize certain conditions. Here are the deets on four of them.

Bioflavinoids in oranges can help prevent eye diseases.
Bioflavinoids in oranges can help prevent eye diseases.

Help prevent eye disease

According to new research, people who do add this healthy fruit to their everyday diet are 60% less likely to develop vision loss through macular degeneration. Eating just a single orange each day can provide your body with bioflavonoids found to help prevent eye diseases.

Oranges provide potassium and Vitamin C as part of your balanced diet.
Oranges provide potassium and Vitamin C as part of your balanced diet.

Helps your heart health

Recent research found that the eating of oranges was linked to a lower incidence of cardiovascular diseases. This means that the minerals (particularly potassium), and vitamins (particularly vitamin C) may have a protective effect on the heart. Another study revealed that women who consume flavonoids- especially those found in oranges- were less likely to get a stroke when compared to those who didn’t.

Fiber- both soluble and insoluble- can help stabilize digestion.
Fiber- both soluble and insoluble- can help stabilize digestion.

Helps stabilize digestion

Including oranges in your diet daily means receiving high amounts of both soluble and insoluble fiber: both can have significant benefits to your overall health.

Insoluble fiber (like that in celery and lettuce) can help pull water into the colon. Soluble fiber (like that found in apples and oatmeal) works on attracting water and removing the excess fluids from the body.

It’s also important to note that people suffering from health issues such as constipation, diarrhea or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are strongly recommended to increase their daily intake of oranges and other foods that are rich in fiber.

Vitamin C is important for efficient body self-repair.
Vitamin C is important for efficient body self-repair.

Helps your body repair itself

Oranges and all the other fruits rich in vitamin C were listed by the Cleveland Clinic as foods that can greatly and positively affect the body’s health, heal wounds, and even help prevent infections!

Many facial products contain Vitamin C and A in their formulas: their anti-oxidant properties block some of the damage caused by free radicals. They help form certain proteins in the skin, thus helping wounds heal more quickly.

The study also revealed that daily vitamin C intake of 400 mg or more can improve muscle function and reduce soreness after exertion. Oranges contain between 70 and 100 mg of Vitamin C.

Maintain a balanced diet for good health.
Maintain a balanced diet for good health.

Part of a balanced diet

Oranges should be included as part of a balanced diet including complex carbohydrates including whole grains, nuts and legumes, lean protein, fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy and trans-fat-free fats. Please see your medical doctor or registered dietician before making changes in your dietary intake.

4 Ways That Oranges are Good for Your Health
9 Opinion