Are You Washing Your Hands Often Enough - AND- at the Right Times?

Ever since we were kids, we learned that washing our hands after using the restroom is a MUST, because it is LOADED with nasty "bugs". Mom was RIGHT!

Your mother was right: wash your hands often each day!
Your mother was right: wash your hands often each day!

Studies show that ignoring proper handwashing can put one’s health at risk, and people who don’t wash their hands as they should are more prone to catch infections. The best way to prevent this from happening is to wash your hands regularly and frequently. Away from sinks for the day? Carry a small squeeze bottle of alcohol-based hand sanitizer to keep clean and healthy.

One can certainly understand why we should do this after hitting the head/toilet/loo, but there are other times we should be washing our hands that we may have never thought of. Here are 8 times you should be sure to wash up, 2 that are rather obvious, but also 6 more that you may have never even thought about!


Obviously, wash frequently when someone in your home is ill - - - -
Obviously, wash frequently when someone in your home is ill - - - -

Whether it is your spouse, sibling, or child, being at home with them while they are sick can put your health at risk! Make improved hygiene a must! Wash your hands often, sanitize hard surfaces, and don’t forget to clean the TV remote!


- - - - and of course after visiting your doc - - - - -
- - - - and of course after visiting your doc - - - - -

The doctor’s office is one of those germy places that can put your health at risk! And do you know why? Well, SICK PEOPLE come there, of course. Seriously though, they come in and out all day, and almost all of them used the same pen to sign in! So, when it’s your turn, make sure you wash or sanitize your hands to avoid catching the illnesses of others. Responsible doctors- and many other businesses as well- have started putting hand disinfectant dispensers around their properties. Please use them! Thank you.


- - - but in a bus? Yes- Public transit is home to some nasty germs and bacteria.
- - - but in a bus? Yes- Public transit is home to some nasty germs and bacteria.

Public transit is used by hundreds- if not thousands- of people every day, so you can imagine how important it is to wash your hands after using it. Public transportation is a normal way of life and it’s likely impossible to stop using it, especially if you are living in a big city. Your best option here is to wash up after riding!


The enclosed cabin of an airplane is a breeding tube for disease!
The enclosed cabin of an airplane is a breeding tube for disease!

When you board a plane, you are essentially stuffing yourself with a couple hundred other people AND their germs- into a 100-foot-long cigar tube! You can imagine how many germs and bacteria could be surviving inside this enclosed space- which must recycle its air! Plus, airplanes are rarely fully sanitized, which increases the health risks. To protect yourself from developing health issues, don’t hesitate to wash your hands properly as soon as you reach your destination. And. don't be afraid to carry a mini-spray of Lysol or other disinfectant to zap those nasties on your pull-down tray. You might even strike up a convo when your seat-mate asks to borrow yours. ;- )


Some food stores now offer disinfecting wipes. Be sure to use them!
Some food stores now offer disinfecting wipes. Be sure to use them!

Shopping is one of those necessary tasks of life that you simply cannot escape! While some people enjoy doing it, others find it stressful and exhausting. Both groups, however, typically ignore the fact that shopping can actually make them seriously ill! According to multiple studies, the shopping cart carries more than 138,000 bacteria per square inch. And guess what? That’s not everything as other studies also come to reveal that 50% of shopping carts and baskets carry E.coli, while 72% carry coliform bacteria. (That's the bacteria found in your poop, everyone.) So, you can understand now why washing your hands the moment you leave the store is important! And if your store offers disinfecting wipes, use one to wipe down the cart handle and another fresh one to wipe your hands!


Pleased to meet you - - - AND your germs!
Pleased to meet you - - - AND your germs!

We do it almost every day, and, shaking someone’s hand might seem so harmless. The truth is that it isn't! In fact, shaking hands spreads many germs and viruses, and does it very quickly and efficiently. When you do shake hands with somebody, try to think of all the things they have touched. Now, think of how these germs have now traveled to your hands! Now it's easier to see how this can be a problem, right? Especially easy to transmit are cold and flu viruses. So, don’t forget to wash your hands to remain safe and sound!


Cell phones: second only to purses as the dirtiest personal object one carries!
Cell phones: second only to purses as the dirtiest personal object one carries!

Phones are one of the dirtiest objects that are found to be home for many harmful germs and bacteria. So, whether you are using your own phone extensively, or especially after borrowing someone else's phone, make sure you wash your hands properly.


Who would think that germs are "on the menu" at even the cleanest restaurants?

"Give me a burger, fries, and a large order of e.coli!" Well, that's what we might as well order since restaurant menus are loaded with germs. Menus are rarely- if EVER- sanitized, and what’s even worse is that they are touched by SO. MANY. PEOPLE. during the day! While you cannot rely on the restaurant to prevent you from getting sick, you can very simply protect yourself by bringing a small bottle of sanitizer or by making a quick potty break to wash up BEFORE you start to eat! Now: Mangia, mangia!

Are You Washing Your Hands Often Enough - AND- at the Right Times?
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