Becomming physically attractive is expensive as f@ck, for men.


Exactly how it sounds.

We all know what's hot. For guys, it's all about fitness. Always has been, too. Here's the problem -- very few guys are very fit. Why the f*ck is that? If everyone just got fit, wouldn't the world just be a better place? That's the point of this take.

So this is Conner Murphy:

Becomming physically attractive is expensive as f@ck, for men.

He's known as a fitness model and he has his own youtube channel and clothing line.

But how much $$$ does it cost to transform yourself into that?

Turns out, quite a lot.

In lifting, diet is most important. Without food, torn muscles don't grow back. They atrophy.

I talleyed up how much of my grant money I was spending on food while in school and this is what I figured out:

I ate two-three pounds of meat every day: chicken or turkey.

Plus randoms like smoothies, cereal and rice and vegitables. The negligables are cheap. Say, $40 every two weeks or $80 a month.

But the protein, that shit is expensive at around $8 a pound, we're talking $16 - $32 PER DAY or roughly $700+ per month.

So, how much $$$ does it cost to look like a fitness model? The answer is it's basically a second rent payment.

If you are a student, this is okay. No bills to worry about. No car insurance. No phone bill (probably). No utilities. No worry about anything but tuition and rent. You can spend those extra dollars from the fed's on pounds of 93% ground turkey to get jacked. Or a starbucks, or a damn smoothie if you want. I had an extra $2,000 left over every month and was living on around $40,000/year -- not too bad.

But, leave school, get a job, take on financial responsibility and suddenly that extra $850 a month (or whatever) needs to get repurposed to gas up the car, fix the flat tire, put down the security deposit, pay the phone and internet bills, pay the water, gas and electric bills, buy work clothes, and fuck if you're lucky buy a girl a drink at the bar.

This is for real. All the 16-22 year olds out there, get ready, because this crap is going to hit you like a ton of bricks when you leave school. Not currently dating anyone in college? Get off your ass and find someone in a class or club and do it now. Get rejected a shit ton because after school, well, good luck. Once you finish school you'll have so much shit to deal with forget about casually picking up someone in the beach 'whenever.' It's pretty fucked.

It's also annoying as shit that getting healthy is expensive. It isn't bad enough to simply be poor and healthy. No, poor people also get priced out of health. Shit food is cheap. Healthy food is $$$$. That's fucked up.

Anyway, that's my rant for now. Oh. And don't study liberal arts in college -- it's a really stupid thing to do. Be an engineer. Learn math. Go to med school. Profit. No fucking joke, at all.

Becomming physically attractive is expensive as f@ck, for men.
11 Opinion