St. John's Wort gives a better high than Weed


So this is unexpected.

St. John's Wort is a plant named after the Catholic Saint John and was used in ancient Greece in the first century AD. (citation)

St. John's Wort
St. John's Wort

'Wort' is just an old English word for 'plant' and so we have 'St. John's Plant.'

Sound familiar?



The active ingredient in Weed is an organic chemical THC -- or Tetrahydrolcannibal. Tetra -- three, hydro, hydrogen based, cannibal -- caniboid (also the reason weed is sometimes referred to as 'cannabis').

THC works by blocking suppressing the central nervous system (yikes!). The 'high' a result of this action.

Now, I have smoked weed. I wasn't impressed.

So I found something better that's also available over the counter in most pharmacy and drug stores all over the word. St. John's Wort.

St. John's Wort gives a better high than Weed

Yep. That's the bottle.

This herb works by blocking Serotonin uptake, thereby boosting free unconverted serotonin in the body. It also increases capillary blood flow as well as block a couple enzymes. But it doesn't block 5-HT receptors like Prescription Pharmaceutical SSRI's. It works by raising the body's calcium and sodium levels naturally to achieve homeostasis -- and that's what makes this high so sweet.

The consequence is better blood flow to nooks and cranies of the body (including extremities and deep areas in the brain -- boosting nutrients in those locations), as well as reduced cortisol levels, increased norepinephrine levels, and a regulation and stabilization of dopamine levels (preventing mood swings).

Where as prescription drugs decrease 5-ht sensitivity over time, SJW actually increases 5-ht sensitivity over time.

In doing this, this plant can reverse the biological process of stress -- reversing the bio-markers of stress, making it a treatment option for cushing's disease. It also can be used for burning belly fat on men in order to reveal their abs and eliminate their muffin-tops. Chronic stress prevents a 6'pack from ever being visible due to cortisol fueled belly fat just under the bellybutton, and on the sides of the obliques.

(Arguably, this is the reason abs are sexy -- washbord abs signal low cortisol levels.)

Therefore, it directly reverses the effects of adrenal fatigue -- so for all you chronic orgasmers and chronic ejaculators out there, this plant can work on reversing the negative effects of compulsory ejaculation (when paired with a b-complex vitamin it gets crazy).

Furthermore, higher serotonin is the biomarker of high social status. People with low stress and high cash flow have this 'high' 24/7. It's part of the reason that often highly successful people are also physically attractive. High sustained and balanced serotonin, low stable regulated dopamine, low cortisol and high norepinephrine lead to healthy looking faces and bodies. And improve sexual function long term by preventing adrenal burn out.

Oh, and it's also an anti-inflammatory. In fact, it contains versions of the active ingredients in Aspirin naturally.

But it's not recommended for children under the age of 18, or for pregnant women or women who plan on becoming pregnant.


It feels amazing, and better than smoking weed. You feel like you're softly floating on cloud nine for hours after taking it. Indeed, one dosage is designed to last 8-24 hours. But be careful, you can overdose. The bottle instructs we take one pill three times per day -- fine by me. Too high of serotonin levels has similar effects on the heart as a cocaine, caffeine or meth overdose. But taken at recommended dosage, you feel better and actually become healthier and that's not something most people can say after a high.

So in my opinion, step aside weed there's a new plant in town


St. John's Wort gives a better high than Weed
25 Opinion