How healthy do you want to be?

I just put together a new outline for a new lifestyle for my patients, and would like to help anybody who wants it!

Fasting plans:
1 week fast for 8 hours after waking up, after sleeping for 8 hours. The next week eat as much as you want, but pick a day where you will fast for a complete 24 hours. Transition back and fourth on a weekly basis! Its good to starve out your body once a month for anywhere from 24-48 hours!

For those with cancer, Lou gehrig's disease(ALS), or any other form of deformation in the cells, you should every other week drink a cup of water with a tea spoon of baking soda(sodium bicarbonate)! This will alkalize your body and supply your blood and cells with oxygen by increasing hemoglobin production! You should also be eating as much raw plants as possible! You need to fill your body with all that alkaline, vitamin k, chlorophyll, minerals, vitamins, protein, and omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids!

It's also very healthy to be supplementing with fish oils! Just make sure the label says at least 750 mg of EPA & DHA omega 3 fatty acids. The label should also say purified to eliminate Mercury, PCBS, and Dioxins! Also check the ingredients and make sure there is no other ingredients other than gelatin, vegetable glycerin, and mixed natural tocopherols! Another very important thing is where the oil from which fishes they come from! The Pacific Ocean has been poisoned with radiation from the Fukishima nuclear power plant spill! Look on the bottle and make sure the fish comes from anchovy, mackerel, and sardine! Those are safe!

Water: This is very important! You don't want to be drinking sugary drinks with ingredients that your body does not recognize as replenishes or natural for that matter! The government puts a lot of fluoride in your drinking water. Fluoride is known as one of the most cancerous poisonous substances to man! If you have your own well that is your best option, but untempered spring water will do as well! I have called Zephyrhills and have confirmed with them that they do not put any hydrofluoric acid in it!( a artificial fluoride from phosphorous waste) You should be drinking at almost about 8 cups(60-80 oz) of water a day!

Meal Plans:

Have about 3 or 4 free range pasture raised eggs! Any way that you like them with the yolk. The yolk is the most important part of the egg as it holds most of its nutrients! Eat these eggs with a salad of raw plants and vegetables. Kale, chard, collard greens, carrots, tomatoes, onions, etc..
If you would like to throw in some flesh such as chicken sausage franks, turkey burgers, etc.. No pork! Pigs are a very dirty animal and their one stomach is not sufficient enough of disposing toxins from their body! You are what you eat!

I would say a handful of nuts would be the best snack! Peanuts are not a good choice however because they are not nuts, but legumes! Fruit is also great for snacks but I would suggest that snacking be done later in the evening because carbohydrates runs the system causing you exhaustion. The less sugar you have during the day the less exhaustion!

Soups will be great for the main meal for lunch do to increasing viscosity in your bones, and joints. I want you to save your chicken and meat bones for soup! You will use the gelatness and marrow from the bones that will broth up your soup! Put in some clean meat and plants and vegetables and season it to where you like it!

Of course your main meal! I would suggest take a good portion of clean meat. Pasture raised free range, on their natural diet, without any injections of any steroidal hormones or anti-biotics! Eat meat with some raw, baked, sautéed, or steamed vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, or any of the plants or vegetables that I have included in that list I provided! Tuber roots like sweet potatoes, yams, yucca, carrots, beets, or etc..

Deficiencies and where to get these essentials!

Iodine/Iodide- RDA is 150 micrograms. 12.5 milligrams (or 12,500 micrograms) per day is ideal! 150 mcg should be the bare minimum! The best sources are from seafood such as fish and seaweed! Kelp is your best option with 2110% for every 1/3 cup(7 grams)! Pasture raised free range eggs with yolk is also a good choice. Is also to great to buy iodized sea salt! You’ll also want to make sure you’re getting enough selenium with Iodine!

Selenium- 200 mcg appears to be the safe supplemental dose! Brazil nuts (one or two a day are enough to improve selenium status), wild salmon, kidneys, crimini and shiitake mushrooms, lamb, turkey, halibut, and egg yolks are all good sources of selenium.

Magnesium- 400 milligrams daily is the minimum! Leafy greens, especially swiss chard and spinach. Nuts, seeds, dark chocolate, espresso, and halibut. Spring water is also a great way to get magnesium!

Manganese- Shoot for 2-5 mg per day or so. Nuts. In descending order from richest, hazelnuts, pine nuts, pecans, walnuts, mac nuts, and almonds are all good sources of manganese.

Vitamin K2- best studies have said at least 45 mg/day. Eat pastured raised free range egg yolks, goose liver, grass-fed butter, aged cheese, and fish eggs is your best choices!

Vitamin B12- If you eat animal products regularly and liver occasionally, you’ll be getting plenty of B12 in your diet. Animals. Liver, sardines, and salmon rank highest, with liver running away with it. There are no vegetarian sources!
Choline- 550 mg for men and 425 mg for women, bare minimum. Pregnant, soon-to-be-pregnant, and breastfeeding women should increase their intake considerably, as low choline intake is associated with neural tube defects. The more the merrier! Liver and egg yolks, and probably other sources of offal (brain, kidney, etc). If you aren’t eating liver and/or egg yolks, you’re going to be deficient in choline. Other sources, except for maybe beef cube steak, pale in comparison.

Desserts- I will have a recipe list of desserts where you can make from scratch and enjoy. I don't suggest desserts often. Twice a week wouldn't hurt!
If you have any pain and you will like a natural pain killer, I recommend White Willow Bark! Anywhere from 400-800 mg. White Willow Bark has Salicin which is naturally in aspirin! The only other ingredient it should say on the label is gelatin!
Keep a look out for recipes on my Facebook log! Don't hesitate to ask for ideas on what you can use as ingredients for your own favorite dishes! Usually there is always a natural way to make your favorite foods. Its all about making a better choice as far as what you will eat!

Sun exposure- The sun is the most vital source for vitamin d3 absorption. I would say try to get at least 45 mins of sun exposure a day, preferably as nude as possible! You need the UV rays to hit your skin all over and once done sun bathing, do not wash your body with any soap for 24 hours! Its better to shower before you get sun exposure!

How healthy do you want to be? I just put together a new outline for a new lifestyle for my patients, and would like to help anybody who wants it!

Exercising is a key factor to health, but not as much important as they recommend it! Take it easy! Walking is about the best it gets it! It is really that healthy for you! Lifting weights a few times a week to gain some muscle. Building muscle burns fat, restores your respiratory system, stresses your organs a bit(this is a good thing), and has many other benefits! It wouldn't hurt to sprint as fast as you can a few times once a week or jogging for 20 mins, but I only suggest intense cardio once a week! Walking is just as effective and it doesn't stress out your joints!

Get rid of all your body soaps, dish washer soap, detergent, shampoo, tooth paste, etc.. These are all chemicals! None are good for you! When you shower; you can use your own soap that you can make! Try mixing baking soda, sea salt, coconut oil, and apple cider vinegar. The blend might not smell all the best but it will eliminate body odor! Once out of the shower you can rub a lime under your arm pits and it will leave you smelling fresh! When you brush your teeth; just use a brush! You don't need any chemicals to remove all that bacteria, as far as freshening your breath; the fluoride in the toothpaste is the root of making your breath smells awful when it wares out! You will notice your breath will not smell as it would when you brush with toothpaste. After you brush; rinse your mouth with apple cider vinegar! This will freshen your breath all day and it works really well! Once every other week you can do this thing called oil pulling where you rinse your mouth with coconut oil! This will build up your teeth and protect them from cavities and other deterioration! When you wash your hair; once a week use either apple cider vinegar or baking soda! I suggest transitioning back and forth every other week. You will notice how vibrant your hair gets! You will restore natural health to your hair this way and great for maintenance! Wash your counter tops, dishes, table, etc.. With baking soda! Use borax as a detergent! I will show you how to make detergent cubes with borax! You want to stay in the perimeters of natural substances that are God created! There is many ways you can use natural ingredients to make your own body soap! Its all about getting creative, and this will save you money!

Sleep, you should try to get at least 8 hours of sleep a day! Preferably at night to be in line with the circadian rhythm! I know a lot of people have a hard time sleeping at night, as do I, but it is best to sleep at night!

How healthy do you want to be?
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