Do you think Sugar Companies are to blame for the large epidemic of Obesity in America?

Do you think that these big companies that are fueling what we put in our bodies to blame for childhood obesity? Why?
Do you think it has something to do with the child who is consuming the sugary foods?
Or do you blame the parents or caregivers for providing their child with said foods?

Today, more and more children are being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes (which is known as a disease that was common in adults and not children). This is due to our primary choices of food being loaded with vast quantities of sugar (not calorie intake). Sugar is know as (wait for it) the legal drug of our lives. It "lights" up our brain the exact same way Cocaine does. People have a large addiction to sugar, that is in more food products than we can count. EVERYTHING has sugar (not including the natural sugars in fruits). I believe that the large corporations are poisoning our populace with sugar. YEAH, I KNOW. Sugar is fucking good. Coca-Cola is awesome; but I think I would rather live a long healthy life, for as long as I can, without having to leave my future family early, for the sake of sugar. So, Tell me what you think!
I think its these damn corps.!
It's the kids' fault... why can't they just eat less, and exercise more?
I blame the parents for not providing adequate healthy choices for their children
I believe that the blame doesn't lie on the parents! They don't know how serious it is
Both A & D
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Do you think Sugar Companies are to blame for the large epidemic of Obesity in America?
Post Opinion