Those clinically diagnosed with depression, how do you get through everyday life?

disclaimer: don't worry, i'm not just confiding in the internet, i am currently getting help. i want to get better... but i feel like nothing is working.

I've been dealing with severe depression for about 2 years now, and i feel like it is physically killing me. i'm 18 and in my last year of high school, but i had to drop out for health reasons. everything feels like a chore. i've tried setting little goals for myself, taking countless types of prescribed antidepressants, hosptial programs, getting support from friends, family, doctors etc. but nothing is working. it's gotten to the point where i can't get out of bed for days at a time, and i've lost 20lbs (9kg) in less than 2 weeks, and i'' scared that i'' not going to make it through this. those of you who have gone theough what i'm going through, what has worked for you? please, i'm desparate.
Those clinically diagnosed with depression, how do you get through everyday life?
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