post note: any question can be turned into a sex joke. Only on GAG right?
Best non meat protein?
post note: any question can be turned into a sex joke. Only on GAG right?
I have certain foods I rely on every day, that give me a decent amount of protein, whether I have a meal or not - I only tend to have one meal a day, because I don't like a lot of stuff and if I eat the same thing over and over again, I eventually get sick of it, to the point where it's no longer an option.
Protein bars:
Make sure they've got like at least 20g of protein per bar and aren't loaded with sugar or fat, around 9g of fat maximum and less for sugar.
Protein powder:
I use Sci MX Whey Protein and that gives me 35g per scoop, but there's different ways to get it into your diet and you don't necessarily have to use the same brand I do (whey comes from milk) e. g. I hate protein shakes, so I find a different way to get it in, be creative and look for ways online.
I've never tried Greek yogurt, but I've found something called Qvarg, by Nestle, it basically tastes like a kids yogurt and you can get it in different flavours. It's got like 0.3g of fat, 4.7g of sugar and 17g of protein, pretty decent to me. It depends on what's available to you though and if you can't find it, you can find Greek yogurt and blend it with some fruit and protein powder or something, to make an ice cream and at least be able to tolerate it and find a whey (ha ha, intentional), to get it in. I've even seen a simple recipe for a protein jelly, look up leanbodylifestyle on YouTube or Michael Kory Fitness, he's done a lot of interesting recipes you may want to check out, he tend to show the macros too and often uses of protein powder, so be creative, in terms of how to get it in, so you don't get bored - this is probably the best tip TBH.
Twice a week, I tend to have white rice, once with kidney beans and the other times, with black chick peas and it tastes pretty good, as long as you know how to cook it (I don't unfortunately). There's lots of bean options too, but they aren't complete proteins (you may want to research this a little bit, but there's a decent picture online which should give you a guide ) on their own. Sometimes, you can just have an egg or something as a post workout meal, boiled, scrambled, etc, I had a boiled egg last week as a post workout meal option and want to have as many options as I can, so I don't get bored. Try tuna too, with some lower calorie bread or normal one, if you want and put some salad and/or sauce in there or something, so it's not bland. I ate tuna to death and got sick of it, so definitely be creative and don't get bored of it. The same with omelettes too.
Try some nut butters too, like almond butter and some recipes, plenty of great stuff online.
Make sure you have some snacks too and don't only rely on meals for protein and get some fibrous carbs in like fruit and vegetables, to make sure you're balanced and getting in more than just protein.
Contrary to popular belief, you don't need *that* much protein. There's some pretty strong evidence that meat and dairy in particular are awful for health, and responsible for most 'Western diseases of affluence'. Read the China Study. That's not to say that those two items are necessarily unhealthy on their own merits, but in the stupid quantities we eat them in, they almost definitely are.
Try basing most of your diet on cooked whole grains, legumes/beans and cooked vegetables. Use fresh ingredients. Avoid synthetic, processed and refined shite, plus microwave cooking.
You can get supplemental protein from the healthier variety of seed and nut bars (often 10-15 grams of protein per serving), nuts in general, legume flour based pasta (15-20 grams per serving) and small amounts of animal protein. However, stuff like the chickpea pasta is very heavy, and you will feel it afterwards, which indicates that you shouldn't be eating too much of it.
You might find it useful to incorporate some digestive system massages into your health regime. There's quite a few decent books on amazon, if you're interested.
Your desire for certain bulky foods and proteins may be to some degree psychological. It's worth bearing in mind. For example, it is very difficult for people to give up dairy.
Aren’t any. People are confused on protein. They like thinking you can combine incomplete proteins and things will work efficiently.
Not true.
you need something that is chemically viable.
its biochemistry, but people aren’t properly informed. They just listen to what “experts” tell them lol
eggs, fish, seafood, LEAN poultry, and LEAN meat are the only efficient proteins you can take in! They are just what your body can use efficiently for repair, adrenal health, and to build an army of T-Killer cells that go around eating cancerous cells.
but you need to cut the fat off meat and poultry. Anything bad like hormones and other things have to be contained in a fat carrier which ends up in the fat tissue. Cut off the fat and you don’t have that problem.
The fat in fish and seafood is good though because it’s unsaturated. Need unsaturated fat for a million reasons. Saturated on the other hand will always cause free radical damage. It can be no other way. It’s basic biochemistry which definitely is not common knowledge. Love!
For the digestive issues, make sure you’re eating a half cup of beans like pinto, red, black and so on 3 times a day. Beans are amazing. People think they are a protein source, but they aren’t. They have amino acids in then yes, but what they really are and most importantly is the richest source of soluble fiber on earth. The frequency of 5 grams of soluble fiber at a time is what your digestion needs in order to throw away bile which contains your excess waste and hormones and toxins and such that the liver clears. If you don’t have the soluble fiber to throw the bike away, it recycles in your body over and over and everything gets more sludgier and the hormones just ensure and keep making reactions happen. Beans also are an amazing complex carb when it comes to blood sugar and stable energy wise!!
Bile, not bile 😆
Bile not bike ugh 😜
Pumpkin seeds good, sour patch kids bad! I have always had an admiration for @1828avaava1828 for the generous feedback she gives people about their diet! Keep up the great work, @1828avaava1828! Oh, by the way, when will you give me your eggs!
@1828ToastyTimothy 😊 thanks toast. Keep trying for the 🥚 🍳 😝
I will continue to press for your eggs, @1828avaava1828! I'm sure you would want me to rape you the same way these women who read 50 Shades of Grey do...
My favorite protein-dense food is chickpeas, personally. I'm in college and there aren't often many vegetarian options that have a healthy amount of protein. I think that some of the people who plan the meals forget that vegetarians need protein, but we have chickpeas at the salad bar. If there aren't any vegetarian options with protein, I'll just get whatever I think will taste the best and then throw a bunch of chickpeas on top of it. They tend to mix well with most meals, although a few have been admittedly questionable.
Dairy based protein supplements exist, and they'll be the most protein dense. Either casein or whey protein isolates will work, though whey is fast digesting and casein very slow. I have mixed those two with powdered egg and high fiber hemp proteins to make a daily shake. There is roughly 70 grams of protein in what I make, plus 11 grams of fiber.
Aside from powders and isolates, your best bet would be legumes (lentils are a great choice), eggs, milk, and fish (why it's not considered meat, I don't know.) They will have more nutrients in them than any protein powder would.
Acesulfame Potassium, Sucralose (chlorinated sugar, basically), and Aspartame are not tolerated well by me. Headaches, and some of the worst stomach/gastrointestinal pains I've ever had. I wound up giving away a 5 pound tub just to escape.
There's also a debate on the purity of powders, as some (Celltech if memory serves) spike theirs with nitrogen to look better on paper. I switched up specifically to Now Foods and Muscle Feast unflavored isolates; they pass purity tests for arsenic and heavy metals, plus no artificial flavors/sweeteners. Neither is cheap, unless buying in bulk (10 pounds at a time).
You're correct about cottage cheese; the curds are casein, and the liquid is whey. Yogurt is also full of whey (forgot that before). The downside is the fat content can put one over their calorie limit. Plenty of options out there for a protein-rich diet.
beans and rice, and dairy and eggs. Everyone has problems digesting different things. Why exactly is meat hard for you to digest? Is the meat too lean? That can make it harder to digest for some people while on the opposite side of spectrum fatty meat can give some people with issues as well.
Nothing wrong with fish at all, you really shouldn't need that much protein, living off fish is completely sustainable.
Vegetarian the highest protein would be eggs/dairy really, beans and rice second. I don't really see you needing much more than 50g of protein a day though, maybe 75g if you're active. Which you probably get easily.
@Levin actually you do need a lot. Can’t have a cell structure without it. Can’t build armies of T-Killer cells without it. Dairy is bad. You’re right. Lean meat with the fat cut off is extremely healthy. Anything bad must be contained in a fat carrier. The fat carrier ends up in the fat tissue. Biochemistry there folks. No agenda.
the average person has no reason to be eating 200g of protein a day, that's basically the jist. If you're also a biochemistry major you would know protein synthesis is doubled in that of females than of males, so they need even less.
Dairy is only bad if you're intolerant of it or do not digest it. And your body needs fats to survive, fats are literally converted to every hormone/steriod in your body.
@1828avaava1828 Everybody has an agenda.
What do you define as a lot? And there are plenty of cultures throughout the world where they based their diets on vegetable foods, such as the Okinawan, and for the most part, had far better health outcomes than people who eat according to the traditional dietary 'wisdom' of the west. I take your point about lean meat though.
@blutwolfe casein is associated with cancer. Dairy is for cow calves. I'd find it so funny, if it wasn't so sad, the amount of people that are chronically sick around me. And they eat stuff like yoghurt on a day to basis, thinking it's healthy.
Don't get me wrong, I love dairy, but I don't pretend it's healthy.
@Levin most people are intolerant and don't realize it. I'm from a cattle ranch and god knows how long they've been doing it, I'm more adaptable to it than most people. If you don't get a sugar rush from milk then it's probably not a good idea. And like everything it's better in moderation, it's the highest source of calcium in most people's diets however almost no one eats a source with magnesium that is just as high to balance it out, that ends up as a can of worms.
But original point stands, if you're intolerant, it's gonna comprise your body, thats probably why those people are sick. When I get the stomach flu the one thing I can eat is dairy, and the stomach flu goes away quickly, but I am definitely an outlier, I have yet to meet another person like that. I always recommend to people to stay away from protein powder because it's dairy based, and meat is more bioavailable to the normal person.
Yes but you needs lots of unsaturated fats. Not saturated ones. Your body can’t even use it in a saturated form. Hence the chemistry of being saturated lol. Very simple. Your body converts saturated fats to nonsaturated in order to be able to add functional groups to them to make hormones and neurotransmitters. The conversion from saturated to nonsaturated will always result in free radical damage and destruction. Can’t make it any simpler for you. Nuts good! Seeds good! Fish good! Fat in dairy and meat bad!!
@1828avaava1828 Pumpkin seeds and eggs good! Hotdogs bad! Lean poultry good! Toast bad!
@1828avaava1828 totally wrong, if you looked at the chemistry, unsaturated fats are harder on the body to digest, thus harder for the body to use. Saturated fats digest most easily and most readily by your body compared to unsaturated fats. It's called saturated fats because the fatty acid chain is fully saturated. Unsaturated being most healthy was propaganda by the health industries to sell vegetable oils. Saying saturated fat is unhealthy isn't right, that's like saying simple carbohydrates are unhealthy.
@blutwolfe. You are very incorrect and so are your sources. When it’s sarurated, it’s full. That’s what the word saturated means kid. Your body needs to make it unsaturated in order to use it. You make hormones and neurotransmitters by adding functional groups to build things. You can’t add functional groups to things that physically have no capability of being added to lol 😆
The conversion will always result in inflammation due to free radical damage due to unstable electrons.
Unsaturated fats will lead to inflammation reducing prostaglandins being released. Saturated fats will lead to inflammation prostagladins being released when the platelets are cracked into.
You really need to stop being told what to believe by the wrong people.
Simple test. Take somebody with chronic acne. Have them eat a lot of saturated fat for two weeks and notice their skin. Now have then eat a ton of nonsaturated fat for two weeks. Notice their skin. Unsaturated will reduce the inflammation amazingly. Saturated will produce more inflammation. Acne is just an example where this can easily be seen. As we know, a bigger piece in acne is hormonal production, there’s too much usually, so you would need to eat soluble fiber often to throw away excess hormones into the toilet through bile.
Listen, there’s a nutritionist local here who is some kind of super genius. This is where I get all my information and how I know it’s correct? Because she’s the best in the world and is able to produce amazing results with people of severe conditions with a success rate in the high 90 percentile. So, it just can’t be argued lol nobody is as smart as her.
She has a private practice. Nobody tells her what to do. She’s funded by nobody.
She started by saving her own. Daughter from chemical poisoning as a baby when all the doctors said it was hopeless, and her baby’s organs were shutting down. She then started helping other people. She regularly brings people back from late stage cancers and has high success with things people didn’t think you can heal completely like chrohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. She has success with things like endometriosis, allergies, fibromyalgia, and arthritis. Hospitals even call her in some emergency situations when they don’t have an answer. She has saved people when they went into liver failure and their liver was as big as a volleyball and would lead to death in 24 hours, but she brings them back.
And these are local people, some I know in person in real life, some I knew before when they had stage 4 cancer and then completely cured it by following what this lady did to a T. So, yeah there’s no questioning any of it. She just understands better than anybody else.
She turned her hair from when it was going grey back to her natural brownish hair color through dietary measure alone. When you find somebody with that type of expertise, you can have complete faith in them.
Bravo, @1828avaava1828, bravo! Keep up the great work, m'lady! 🥂
Non chemical sources? Lol she actually does have a masters in bio chemistry 😝
And what biases source? She works for herself lol she’s saved many people from cancer, poisonings, organs failing, arthritis and chrohns.
The "Beyond Meat" products are the best tasting by far!
... of course some guys are going to have a naughty answer for this one I'm afraid... lol
Yes, you will love it. It is nothing like the last generation of meatless products!
I’m a vegetarian and I struggled with similar issues. They’re are a lot of plant based meats that have a lot of protein and almost the same flavor as real meat. Last night I had some plant based ground beef and it tasted exactly like the real thing when you season it correctly. I’m pretty sure there’s a plant based version of every type of meat (like nuggets and ribs). Other non meat protein options are tofu (although I heard soy is bad for females) Beans, eggs and many green vegetables. If you are a fan of sea food most sea food also is high in protein. Hope this helped :)
well there's all the veggie meat substitutes like quarn and alike but personally i try to steer clear of processed foods veggie or not so i tend to get all my protein from natural sources like pulses and fungi etc but if you continue with dairy you won't have any issues anyway
Pescatarians are vegetarians who consume fish - and fish is one of the most important meats you can consume since it contains omega 3 and boosts your i. q. - I would say to eat sardines - when you compare the nutritional profile of different types of fish and also the cost of acquiring them and the availability of getting the item in your region - sardines - have the highest benefits minus sacrifice compared to other fish - that is what Dr. Oz said
You can substitute more digestible meat such as chicken or fish and still get great protein punch and low calories, such as Salmon, tuna. Remove the skin from chicken or turkey breast and you get loads of lean protein. Eggs are high in protein, as are nuts, and cruciferous veggies such as brussels sprouts and broccoli. It's also according to your height, weight and activity level as to how much protein you need. Why not consult a nutritionist your doctor or trainer recommends?
The big thing about being a veggie or vegan is ull need eat more small meals a day. I'm vegan bc animal protein causes inflamation so my protein is plant based and I eat 4-5 meals a day. :)
Only causes inflammation if you eat the fat on meat. Anything bad most be contained in a fat carrier which ends up in the fat tissue. Cut off the fat and nothing can cause inflammation in the actual meat of its extremely lean. Any saturated fat will ALWAYS cause inflammation. Unsaturated fat will ALWAYS reduce inflammation. Good luck dear
Disagree. I’ve seen people healed from just about everything. Dairy is bad. That’s true 😊
You won’t be able to sufficiently build an army of T-Killer cells without efficient proteins. There’s only five that fit the bill for being bioavailable enough: seafood, fish, eggs, lean poultry, lean meat.
Don’t eat dairy at all.
Can’t have a cell structure without protein 🤗
Agree to disagree
You’re free to be as you please! Only love! ❤️
Interesting. Hope things improve for ya sejla!
fish. kale. swiss chard. eggs. oats (fibre too!). yogurt (helps digestion). broccoli. eat lots of these foods for maintaining your protein! hope this helps!
Obviously dairy products. Peas, broccoli, lentils, chick peas, tofu, seitan, beans...
And I am pretty sure that your brain does nothing with proteins and if you feel weird about it you should see a doctor. Our brain receive energy mostly through carbohidrates.
mmmm… look at that sexy, sexy ribosome just translating that mRNA like a dirty little school girl.
…sorry, what was the question?
Lol, bio major. Sorry. But if you are looking for non-meat protein look up complete proteins combinations, basically ways to combine fruit/vegies to get all the amino acids you’re your body can’t make on its own. Like beans and rice. But keep in mind there are other micronutrients you can’t get from plants that your body still needs.
Want some non-meat protein?
Swallow the jizz next time you give a BJ.
Semen is rich n proteins and nutrients.
Also, it does wonders for the skin, ladies...
Cum facials, I have seen, provide fast results...
You’re a novice where I come from. I’d Knock your head into the bleachers. All it takes for me is one shot and you’re going to sleep. But I promise you’ll wake up a better man!!
@1828avaava1828 can the bravado machismo, kiddo. Secondly, my ex, when we were together, would like insist on it every couple of weeks.
So, what I have said is not without merit.
That being said, I am not a novice. You ain't gonna do shit to me.
by the way, I have copied andvtaken a screen shot of your posted violent threat against my person. #REDFLAG
The relevant law enforcement authorities will be notified. Have a nice day, because not only are you clearly delusional, but you lack a sense of sarcasm and humour.
Threaten me again, and you will be arrested.
Consider yourself on notice.
@1828avaava1828 further, you swing at me, I will defend myself.
You will get zero deferential for gender.
I have 2 sisters, they taught me well.
@1828avaava1828 Anything else,
Keyboard Tyrant?
Get back under the bridge, Troll...
Ok, bad jokes aside, folks...
Non meat proteins are beans, lentils, eggs... Milk too... cheese... sour cream, cottage cheese...
I’m too fast! Too skilled! Too pretty!!
Precision beats power and timing beats speed!
The authorities are going to care about a flyweight 125 pound girl threatening to beat up some doofus in an octagon under unified rules? Lmfao!! Bring it old fart
@1828avaava1828 octagon?
There's no rules in a street fight.
Grow up, kid.
You have much to learn.
Also, young lady, I am also trained and skilled at many things. You weigh 125 lbs?
Yeah, I weigh 275 lbs. I weigh more than twice what you do.
Grow up, kid... get a clue.
I don't have to "bring it, old fart"...
You threatened me, not the other way around.
Lol you are silly 🙃
Rear naked choke will put a 300 ball of muscle out in 7 seconds.
I don’t fight for free 😜
Come to the gym and we’ll have a scrap
@1828avaava1828 nope. You make the challenge, you show up.
You really have no clue how real life works because you lack adequate life experience.
Your empty bravado is proof.
Have fun being a pretzel and playing with yourself in the playground sandbox, kiddo.
Go take your meds, and have a nice night.
One shot! 😆 😜 🥊 🙃
🥊 😴
@1828avaava1828 Dream On, kiddo...
😠 🥊 😃 hehe
I would certainly like to think @1828avaava1828 knows what I really want to do to her!
@1828avaava1828 keep dreaming...
@TheAceholeSupreme666 Keep dreaming, m8. @1828avaava1828 would knock you out with one punch 🥊
@1828ToastyTimothy no, she wouldn't.
@TheAceholeSupreme666 "The boys like to horse around!"
@1828ToastyTimothy as for her "reverse choke hold" comment... I'm not 300 lbs, and anyone who ever tried that on me is blind in at least one eye, or missing an eyeball or 2. I know how to not only break the hold, but how to counterattack the move.
In all my years, I have never been knocked out by a single punch.
I've been punched in the head by pro fighters, as well as gangbangers,
Wrestlers, soldiers, and professional contract killers.
I'm still alive, standing, and intact.
It's called experience.
@1828ToastyTimothy funny thing... that choke she swears by... yeah... the modified version taught these days, I
invented. The military uses it, as does MMA.
So, as I said... DREAM ON!
@TheAceholeSupreme666 This is a website nobody takes seriously. Relax! I was just horsing around!
@TheAceholeSupreme666 Note the irrelevant remark implying I want to have sex with @1828avaava1828! As you noted, semen is rich in proteins and nutrients! 😆
@1828ToastyTimothy finally, someone got the joke!
@1828ToastyTimothy is right though, one punch and I’d send this wanker into orbit! He might never come down!! 🥊
@1828avaava1828 wrong, beanflicker!
Ohhhh😜 😝
I know this doesn't fully answer your question, but sticking to fish and eggs is the best way. Especially if you have digestion issues with meat.
I think you should listen to your body.. and try other proteins that work for you.. ensures.. maybe
Eggs and nuts are both pretty good.
Nuts are a good source of unsaturated fat. You do need to get white a bit if ubsatyeated fat! Saturated will always cause free radical damage. Basic biochemistry. But unsaturated is great for you. It’s what hormones and neurotransmitters are made from. Helps reduce inflammation as well
Excuse my spelling errors. My phone is being funny. Unsaturated good. Saturated bad.
Nothing beats real meat. Sorry.
Sucks to be u
Eating meat and eating pussy are the keys to a happy life.
probably chicken or turkey
Beans, nuts, quinoa, mushrooms
Are you allowed Whey protein?
Beans and peas.
Milk cheese and eggs
Soyabean chunks...
Tofu is different... soya chunks findout
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