They say the body goes into survival mode when it see’s or hear life threatening situations danger ⚠️, but my question is why do the body pump the?

My question is why does the heart pump faster and cause you to lose blood 🩸 faster, or the body didn’t evolve enough to lower your blood pressure like when you receive a small cut then it bleeds then heal
They say the body goes into survival mode when it see’s or hear life threatening situations danger ⚠️, but my question is why do the body pump the?
The body isn’t evolved/ developed enough to stop that much bleeding 🩸
The body is doing what it was meant to do, to secrete to help stop the bleeding but a gun shot/ stab wound is too much for the body to handle
I don’t know myself
Other reason/s
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They say the body goes into survival mode when it see’s or hear life threatening situations danger ⚠️, but my question is why do the body pump the?
5 Opinion