Why some people who already had nice physiques dont see they are fine and they want to change it?

Why some people who already had nice physiques dont see they are fine and they want to change it?
and they want to become bigger and bulkier? Men and women. I mean they have nice physiques that could be the envy of other women or men but then once they start the life of becoming body builders or weight lifters and at the end they look gross, cause it is the truth and get obssesed by it and each time they want to be bigger and bigger like if becoming huge is something that healthier they get so obssesed by it and extremes are never good, even if you have a knockout body physically.

What is good of looking like a man (for women) and what is good of looking like a monster for a guy? Do they find that appealing or simply they do not see the harm they are doing to themselves and they suffer of a body dismorphy. These people regarldess of how nice their bodies are, if you call a monster a nice body , they for sure have some serious problems to deal with mentally or emotionally.

Take a look at the example I post here.

It is the same lady. The right photo is how currently this lady is, she now competes in body building competitions and each time she is trying for more and more. The left photo look at her. Small boobs, feminine physique and she look very good still, with a nice body to be envy as well, even her face looks more feminine.

Why the obsession of becoming huge or look like a monster? I dont get it, they look terrible!!! I know that takes discipline, dedication and a lot of sacrifices for years to have a body builder body. But not to have a normal life for that kind of obsession, where your physique is more important than other stuff, I pass...
Why some people who already had nice physiques dont see they are fine and they want to change it?
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