I wrestled one year in hs but wasn’t too into it. Other than that I have been taking boxing fitness classes but it’s not really real boxing or anything.
I took Hapkido briefly when I was a little kid, but didn't stay with it because I had the attention span of a little kid and it didn't interest me much. I spent too much time in gymnastics and recreational shooting later on to devote any time to martial arts (it never really interested me that much anyway). I've had quite a bit of self-defense with firearms training (practical courses, such as shoot and no shoot scenarios), but not much in physical training for self-defense. I have great confidence in both my ability to extricate myself from a bad situation and run like a scalded dog, and my ability to shoot, stab, kick, bite, clobber any attacker (or thief) I might encounter.
11 Reply
Most Helpful Opinions
- 1 y
That sounds fun. We do that too in my classes.
I could have been a class instructor. In martial arts most people move on to open their own studios or at least stay on and help their master/instructor with single dan blackbelt and beyond. Passing on the knowledge learned. Martial arts is a life journey. In the end you supersede your instructor, in turn your students should turn out better than you.
12 Reply- 1 y
@bigpauly lol
- 1 y
Boxing, wrestling and judo. Army hand to hand. Boxercise can teach you some of the fundamentals and training but a hour session 2 days a week in a group isn't going to do much for you. I took classes with my woman and her sister, was OK but its going to be useless on a self defence scenario.
10 Reply
- u1 y
did for about 20 years (aged 6 to 26, more or less...)
martial arts were the life of one of my uncles, that... his dogs, and his bikes
and his family of course, which included most of us cousins, lol00 Reply
What Girls & Guys Said
- 1 y
Yeah I was once in a self defense class and the guy asked me why I'm there and then said "well honestly in a real case scenario you wouldn't have any chances no matter how well you train" and then I never went again lol
16 Reply- 1 y
I did marital arts for a time because I was getting bullied in school.
13 ReplyI'm currently a purple belt in BJJ, I also boxed for a few years, and have black belts in two styles of kung fu, although I pretty much think those are a waste now, wish I'd started BJJ earlier.
10 Reply- 1 y
Judo for about 3 or 4 years when i was a kid.
To the yellow/orange belt.10 Reply - 1 y
never formally trained just A LOT of informal training in self defense
11 Reply- 1 y
informal in krav maga, karate, kung-fu wing chun, bjj, some wrestling. picked up what I could from various techniques over the years. learning the moves for a dojo or any studio and actually applying them putting them to use when the time comes for actual combat are two different things
- 1 y
No my only self defense is maybe running?
13 Reply- 1 y
I think so, you don't know if they carry a knife. They won't be carrying a badge of honor, that is for sure. No rules.
17 Reply1.6K opinions shared on Health & Fitness topic. Pankration
17 Reply- 1 y
It's fun
- 1 y
I have, I used to do Tae Kwon Do
10 Reply - 1 y
I have not
15 Reply- 1 y
I’m gonna need to get my microscope real quick
- 1 y
Mhm sure
- 1 y
I have not
115 Reply- 1 y
GaG didn’t block that reply with the slide down message “you already said that today”?
- 1 y
@dustybiker Not this time, lol...
- 1 y
- 1 y
@bigpauly lmao That sounds fun. 😎
- 1 y
He already claimed to have hacked my account. Go get him. Give really weird replies.
- 1 y
I haven’t even used that to my best ability. I had two embarrassingly small glasses of rosé in the past month (weeks apart), which make effect me I will admit. I always hit up @blackcupcake in those moments. No idea why. I should have blamed it on @sirderpsalot123
Not happening again though. lmao - 1 y
*did effect
- 1 y
@dustybiker the rose makes you realise how much you miss me😌😍❤️
- 1 y
@dustybiker @bigpauly People have tried to impersonate me and couldn't pull it off.
- 1 y
@blackcupcake That is true. Good point. 💕🤗
@sirderpsalot123 There was a point I could have pulled it off. I’m a good person though. I don’t hack. - 1 y
@dustybiker Back when we agreed and would have identical answers...
Seems like such a long time ago, lol... - 1 y
Yup. Period of time I was out of my mind. And you were madly in love with me. Clearly a GaG glitch.
- 1 y
@dustybiker 😂😂
10 ReplyYeah
10 Reply- 1 y
No I haven't
00 Reply
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