How do I lose 25 pounds fast? how do I get more energy within a week?

I've been unemployed for 3 months now for the first time in my life since I was 17 and I've put on 25 pounds during that time

I've never been a health nut but I walked so much at my previous job that I always had a little extra meat but didn't gain weight.

since I haven't been doing anything for 3 months I feel so out of shape now.

i just got a new job and I start in a week, I've already started drinking lots of water and stopped drinking sodas I also plan on walking for at least an hour a day at the park but

what can I do within this week to get my energy back up ?

what can I eat and drink also that helps with energy ?

i want to lose weight also but I'm not expecting the lose the entire 25 lbs in a week of course but I would like to be ready and feel more healthy for my new job, so thanks for any tips
How do I lose 25 pounds fast? how do I get more energy within a week?
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