The cute stranger seemed a bit interested. True?

I met him on work yesterday and he looked cute but he didn't seem much interested and then I let it go. Today he came only to visit the workplace and he continued hanging around the room where I was and he looked at me from time to time. Then one moment he said- you have a great shirt (it was Depeche Mode official tour T-shirt). And so I though- maybe he likes me a bit. And then I saw his tatoo on his right hand. I was dying of fear but I approached and said- you are moving the hand too fast and I can't manage to see your tatoo. And he showed me- it was the Red Hot Chilli Peppers sign. And so we started to talk about concerts and stuff. And then he said there is some concert going on (a local band) And I said- Oh... If I find company Ill go. But he didn't comment on that. And then I went out saying I have some work to do. We had a great laugh. Really- I'm happy even if he only turns out to be agreat friend. But later on he passed by again and was staring. What do you think- is he interested?
The cute stranger seemed a bit interested. True?
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