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myTakes: Health & Fitness

The way to get pregnant early

Hello friends, welcome. It will tell you about some home remedies for early pregnancy. Every woman wants to get pregnant as soon as possible and become a mother as soon as possible. They try their best to do this but...

Nature produces mother's milk differently for boys, girls and children.

Nature produces mother's milk differently for boys, girls and children ++ Boys and girls get the nutrients they need from mother's milk according to their physical needs, which nature provides for their growth. + The...

Multiple benefits of turmeric powder in water

Put a small pinch of turmeric in a glass of water and drink it one or two hours before or after meals daily on an empty stomach. Liver swelling, urinary tract infection, recurrent mouth sores, skin diseases, cough, sore...

I don't moisturize. My Gag Hero. Mental and physical health.

Men who like big boobs aren't stupid, and neither are men who like small boobs. Nobody is stupid for their likes. Different things please different people. The reason this guy is a hero is not because of his boob size...

Learn How Dangerous Periods Are In Just 1-2 Days, Follow These Home Remedies For Treatment

Two days periods tips: Every woman goes through a natural process like periods. Women usually have periods after 21 to 35 days and last for 2 to 7 days which we call normal periods. However, if periods occur between 21...

Nipples itching reasons

Nipples itching reason: Women face many health problems in their life. Problems related to breasts, nipples etc. also bother women. Nipples are very sensitive and can sometimes cause severe itching and irritation. The...

Final Destination sample

So I went to the bathroom and got bruised. How did this happen? My calf wasn't between the toilet seat obviously because WHAT WOULD IT BE DOING THERE? HOW? WHY? I mistakenly dropped the toilet seat and it clipped my juicy...

Things about Epilepsy that you may not have known

Only 3% of epileptics are photosensitive This means that it's actually a big misconception that All epilepsy + flashing light = seizure, most epileptics are not photosensitive. Partial-Myth: Photosensitive epileptics...

Can Depression Cause Short Term Memory Loss?

Yes, it can. I've been experiencing this for a long time. I had my senior prom yesterday, and it has all been a blur to me, looking back on last night. I do remember meeting a few select of people, but I can hardly...

The motivations and thought process behind self mutilation

TW: Self Harm/suicidal ideology An in depth look into the motivations behind self mutilation in a 17 year old girl. She clicked the lock on the bathroom door and leaning up against it, slide down onto the white tile...

Anybody with an eating disorder... READ MY STORY!!

So you know those baby bellies that all little kids have, they usally go away around 5 or 6, I still had mine at 7. My mom was the tinest woman I knew. She weight about 105 pounds and I would always overhear her talking...

How to know when you're getting old..

I had so much fun making my other take about old age: "You Know You're Getting Old When.____" Wednesday. I thought I'd do a part 2... I guess this is where I need to add a DISCLAIMER🙄: This take is meant in fun, and if...

The Pandemic: 2 Years Later From A Tired Nurse

Author’s Note: I wasn’t going to post this. I wrote it, then talked myself out of it. Then talked myself into it, only to talk myself out of it again. Then my partner wanted me to watch a COVID-19 documentary with her. I...

What Does Depression Feel Like?

As some of you people who have never had depression, you'd assume depression is a phase or that it's something to easily get out of. That's where you're completely wrong. Depression is nothing to make fun of nor is it...

Real Talk: Autism

I was born in April, Autism Awareness Month, and as irony would have it, I was born with autism, myself. To strangers, it was more evident in my earliest years and just out of sight for my parents, altogether. People...

A Public Service Announcement (PSA) - in case this ever happens to you

So at dinner I was minding my own business. Eating my sandwich from our local sub sandwich shop and eating the healthy alternative kind of chips (you know, the ones kissed by the sun) when BAM! All of a sudden I sneezed....

Struggling With Sleep

- SLEEP TAKE - If any of you people are wondering why the hell have I stopped writing takes, its because the last couple of weeks have been really shitty and I'm not in a good place. Hence, this venting take. Don't...

Gained 83lbs since the first lockdowns and it have been a truly liberating experience.

Not many people think of these things, but it is difficult to be slim in this day and age. At the start of the pandemic I used to be underweight and let me tell you, compared to my current life it have been so...

The Conclusion of My Breastfeeding Journey with my Older Son

My husband and I differed on the subject of breastfeeding. He was so incredibly supportive during the first year, I can’t say enough about it. After which point, he wanted to try weaning him away from the breast. Against,...

A Continuation of my Breastfeeding Journey

Four days after his due date, my son latched beautifully for the first time. He nursed like a pro from that day forward. To this day, I always say that if he could have chosen his own birthday, he would have been 4 days...