What Does Depression Feel Like?

What Does Depression Feel Like?

As some of you people who have never had depression, you'd assume depression is a phase or that it's something to easily get out of.

That's where you're completely wrong. Depression is nothing to make fun of nor is it something to joke about having. A person can say that they "feel depressed" when they've never even been depressed. My mother has said that a few times whenever something didn't quite go right. As far as I'm aware, she has never been depressed before. She always tells me to "get out of it" as I could just take a shower and just come out of it, happy.

It has been so long since I've felt happiness to the point where I don't know what happiness feels like.

For me, depression feels like a burden that you can't shake off. It feels like a lot of weight. My head feels heavy and I fail to see doing some everyday things as ideal or necessary. I do brush my teeth because I care about my body, I just won't bother about my appearance or what I wear. Depression can make you not want to do the things you need to do. You may start something, but then you lose interest in it, where you just stop doing whatever you had started doing.

Depression can infect how you make up your bed, do your hygiene, sleep patterns that could lead to insomnia, isolating yourself, not wanting to make friends, your eating habits, etc.

It is unknown when my depression has started. It could be when I was 12, which I estimated it to be. Depression makes me feel miserable at times. Medication doesn't work for me. It'll just make me sleepy. I've tried four or five different meds and none worked. I know that there are more antidepressants out there, but just recently, I had gone back to mental health for a check-up and an update on meds. It was a regular appointment. My doctor asked if I wanted to stop taking them and I said yes. Because what's the point in taking something that isn't helping? I trust that I'll cope with my depression. I am very stubborn. I wouldn't "do any funny business" because I can see that I need someone to shed my depression. As I am waiting for that someone, I'm just doing things to pass time.

The feeling of depression is like deep down inside, you're sobbing for help. You're drowning in the negative and toxics of depression and you're battling it. It may be a ridiculously long battle, but you'll get to your satisfactory destination soon... but you are not sure how soon. It's like you're a kid in the backseat of a car while one of your parent or guardian drives and while the other is in the passenger side; they're taking you to somewhere where you've always wanted to go or is excited to go to, but the road is making you feel impatient. You know that you are almost there, so you hold your breath until you arrive; which seems like forever.

I would like to think that depression is like a rollercoaster of emotions, minus happiness.

Depression is a disorder that shouldn't be overlooked or ignored. There are some parents of children and adults in general whose peers, friends or family members will neglect them for having depression or attempt to off themselves. Once they're gone, they'd either regret neglecting them or just still wouldn't care and would just blame the depressed one for dying.

You can't tell someone to "get out of it" when you're not going to help them during the journey. It is not easy to "get out of it." It'll just make you more depressed because you're forcing yourself to "be happy."

That's all I have for this MyTake. You can feel free to ask me any personal questions in the PMs if you'd like, or just questions in general. I am not a professional, I'm just pouring my thoughts and my beliefs onto here.

What Does Depression Feel Like?
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