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Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

Ah call of duty a game that was once considered to be the gold standard of FPS games has now turned in a franchise that everyone likes to hate. I usually think hatred towards franchises are usually bandwagons but in this case, I can kind of understand some of the hate. But the truth is that the...

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My overall opinion on politics and why I have the political views that I have

My political views have definitely evolved ever since I first dabbled with them back in my teens. Believe it or not I actually hate politics and I wish that I could call myself “apolitical” but the thing about being apolitical is that you have to not care about any political issue to truly be...

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Shotguns from COD mobile ranked from best to worst

As I’ve mention before I’m primarily a shotgun user when it comes to FPS and TPS video games. I like shotguns because I consider them to be the no nonsense way of playing those types of video games. They require quick reflexes along with pinpoint precision and you also have to get up close to...

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If I were to create my own political party

I would call my political party any of the following names Alt Libertarianism constitutional reformism New American order Constitutional conservatism America first party Tomoeism party of compromises The party animal would be the Lynx representing: a person minding his or her own business the...

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Happy international women’s day 2022, let’s see which woman is worth celebrating this year

I don’t support the feminist movement but I don’t hate women and I view women as fellow humans. You don’t have to be a “feminist” to view women as fellow humans. Here are some women worth celebrating. I’m going to make it an annual tradition to celebrate one historic female figure per year on...

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America all endings (Semi satire, inspired by Hearts of Iron the new order)

The new order is an alternate history mod for the video game called Hearts of Iron. It takes place in a post WWII world where the axis powers won WWII. The endings are not cinematic but show a picture with a quote, text of what ended up happening and who are the main individuals in charge. Here...

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Call of duty mobile: a game that has become a shell of it’s former self (updated review)

If you remember my first review of this mobile game, you probably remember how much praise I gave it with some criticisms. However in recent months, the game has sadly become a broken mess. Such is the case with many newer online multiplayer games. The cause of this is all the updates that...

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How I play Fallout New Vegas, Elder scrolls Skyrim and Fallout 4

Role playing games all follow similar themes in which they emphasize protagonist customization, gradually making your protagonist stronger, open world exploration, deciding who is good/bad, access to a wide variety of equipment (weapons, attire, consumables, misc) and multiple game endings...

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Eco-tyranny: A hypothetical dystopian world controlled by eco-extremism

There’s no doubt that we should be taking care of our planet and we should also treat Animals with respect but just like all ideologies, there’s a point where eco-activism can become eco-extremism. And if such eco-extremists acquire political power, they will most likely resort to tyranny. The...

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Call of Duty Mobile, pros and cons of a very dynamic mobile game

I’ve never really been a fan of online gaming because I feel that online gaming has too many issues like cheaters, pay to win no story at all unless you play on a personal computer, you have pay monthly since online gaming is a subscription for console players. However, a few months ago I did...

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Call of duty: Black Ops Cold War, a fairly good game with originality only limited by time constraints and current world events

Call of Duty black ops Cold War did not disappoint with it’s action packed campaign, multiplayer and zombies mode. It is a bit different than previous call of duty campaigns, so this game gets a 10/10 in regards to originality. However that doesn’t mean there weren’t a few bumps along the way...

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Königsberg and the revenge of Prussia

Yeah I know, it sounds like the title of a Steven Spielberg movie but in reality it’s a historic fact. The story is centered in a City originally called Königsberg(now called Kaliningrad) which is located by the Baltic Sea. The story of this city is quite sad and is a perfect example of why...

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Nope, the social politics of the American civil war cannot be associated with the social politics of American society today

People often try to associate the politics of the civil war with the politics of today. American left wingers just love to paint the Union as being the political left of the 1860s and the South as the political right of the 1860s. And as such, the present day American left likes to consider the...

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The true story of why imperial Japan was so brutal and jingoistic during WWII

Japan, a true Jewel of the pacific. An island nation whose inhabitants have mysterious origins. An island nation that is nearly devoid of natural resources yet the people of this island nation managed to improvise and develop a fairly advanced nation that rivaled medieval Europe all while...

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History of Asian-Americans in the US military

Asian-Americans are the most marginalized racial group in the West. Especially by the social justice crowd who consider Asian-Americans to be part of their list of scapegoated groups known as the so called “privileged”. When we point the hypocrisy displayed by the social justice crowd, they...

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Dystopian themed Video games, movies, tv shows and novels that are relevant now more than ever

With the ongoing chaos in the world, many people have noticed eerie resemblances to fictional dystopian works. Here are some of those fictional works that are very relevant to what’s going on in the world. Note: A lot of the entries on this list were given negative reviews by senseless biased...

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Greatest German military songs part 2

Here’s part two. Wow I have to say that I’m quite disgusted by how some ignoramuses use the guilt by association and false equivalence fallacy just because I like listening to German military songs that have nothing to do with the third reich. Seriously some people are just too stupid that no...

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Greatest German military songs composed so far

Germany has arguably composed the greatest military songs out every country. Many German military songs are so great that they have been adopted by foreign countries like Japan, Chile the UK and Brazil. Below are my personal favorite German military songs which I like to listen to. Note: Now...

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