Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

Ah call of duty a game that was once considered to be the gold standard of FPS games has now turned in a franchise that everyone likes to hate. I usually think hatred towards franchises are usually bandwagons but in this case, I can kind of understand some of the hate. But the truth is that the Call of Duty community is very toxic and everyone likes to pretend he or she is best at the game. It’s actually very hard to tell how good some actually is at Call of Duty but here I’ll show you some things to look out for to determine if you are actually good or not at as good as you think you are.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

Why you might be better than you think you are: Let’s start off with the positives because I’m in such a good mood, I think it’s worth starting off on a good note.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

1.) You land the first shots almost every time: If you are player who can land the first few shots on a opponent then this means you have great reflexes and precision. Which automatically means you are good at the game. Unfortunately in Call of Duty games, landing the first shots doesn’t always guarantee a win in a gunfight unless you are playing hardcore mode. You’ll occasionally still find yourself losing the gunfight due to flinch or lag.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

2.) You only died because of a flinch exploit: So you manage to land the first few hits on your opponent but your opponent uses the flinch to get in a lucky headshot.

3.)You have good tactics and strategy: The best call of duty players play the game tactically and strategically. You don’t rush into battle, you listen for enemy footsteps, you ambush enemies etc. A good tactician will usually defeat a good “slide cancel” spammer.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

4.) You don’t have to slide cancel spam to win: If you still win games and or at least get the highest score on the losing team without slide cancel spamming, it means you are very good at the game.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

5.)You don’t have to strafe spam to win: Same as above, you don’t have to strafe spam to win games because you have good tactics, good reflexes and good precision. Only players with bad reflexes and precision strafe spam.

6.) You don’t use “meta” weapons: Meta weapons are the most powerful weapons in the game that require little to no skill. Usually in the form of ARs or SMGs. They have almost no bullet spread, they have low recoil, they do a lot of damage, they have good range and they have ridiculous hip fire accuracy. If you don’t use Meta weapons and are still able to win or at least get the highest score on your team then you are a badass.

Humbling a Mac 10 user
Humbling a Mac 10 user

7.) You don’t camp: Campers don’t deserve any respect, camping is what players with no skill do in order to give themselves a chance at winning a game. If you don’t camp and have good performance, then you are good. Even if you are a mediocre player that doesn’t camp, you are still superior to players that camp.

8.) Your game lags and experiences frame rate drops but you still kick ass: If you have bad server connectivity you are playing at a major disadvantage as your opponents will be a split second ahead of you. However if even with this advantage you can still perform well, then you are a Chad of a player.

9.) You can defeat players that use claw, controllers or mouse and keyboards(CODM): If you only use the basic 2 digit setup in CODM and can defeat players in CODM who are using claw, a controller or a mouse/keyboard combo, then that’s the equivalent of punching above your weight class in the video game world and that makes you an absolute legend.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

10.) You can defeat sniper players and multiple shotgun players at once by using a shotgun: You know you are a good shotgun player if you can defeat sniper players with shotties and also defeat multiple other shotgun players on the opposite team. This means you’ve got good tactics, good reflexes and good precision. This makes you an action hero.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

11.) You don’t spam scorestreaks/use persistence: Persistence let’s players keep their score streak points even after getting “kealed”. This allows players to spam score-streaks to turn the tide of the battle if they are on the losing team. Score-streaks require no skill whatsoever to use. If you don’t use persistence and can still win by rarely using score-streaks then you are a good player.

Why you might not be as good as you think you are:

A lot of Call of Duty players seem to think they are good but in reality they are just playing with unfair advantages and are utilizing broken in game mechanics to deceive themselves into think they are actually good. Here are signs you probably aren’t as good as you think you are.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

1.)You rarely land the first few hits but manage to still win gunfights because you get lucky flinch headshots: Flinch is a broken mechanic that should be excluded from every FPS game. It’s often used by lesser skilled players to get in lucky headshots. As they get shot up by the opposite player, the camera jolts up to the opponent’s head and boom lucky headshot.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

2.) You have really good server connectivity while your opponents don’t: A lot of show offs think that they are actually good at call of Duty games but that’s questionable as they just happen to have better server connectivity which gives them an unfair advantage over other players who don’t have such of a great connection. With better server connection you are usually a split second ahead of players with a worse server connection.

3.) You have crappy tactics and strategy: You just like to rush into the opposite team for some reason but because you have a good server connection, this gives you a bit of an advantage as the opposite players are playing with a bad server connection.

4.) You can only win by slide canceling and strafe spamming: You like to rush the opposite team because you have an annoying tendency to spam “slide cancel” and the strafe mechanic because you have bad precision and bad reflexes but that’s not important because all you’ve gotta do is let the opponent waste his or her ammo before you can strike as your opponent is reloading.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

5.) You can only win by using Meta weapons: You are so bad at the game that you cannot win a game without your meta weapons. You can’t control recoil, you’ve got bad precision and you’ve got slow reflexes so of course you are going to use meta assault rifles and meta submachine guns which require very little to no skill.

6.) You camp: You lack every single skill, so you always go to the best hiding spots and pick off any player that wanders into your location. You probably also use meta weapons cause you are that bad at the game.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

7.) You constantly complain about shotgun users: You’ve gotta be really bad at the game to complain about shotguns. You like to say shotguns require no skill but actually they do. For game balancing purposes, Shotguns have really bad range in Call of Duty games, which means they are designed for close quarter combat. Shotguns in Call of Duty games are useless at long range battles, so if you complain about shotgun players then you must have a tendency to let shotgun players get too close to you. Not to mention that most shotguns have a very low magazine capacity and a slow reload. The funny thing is that most of the players that complain about shotguns are usually players who like to spam slide cancel and strafe because shotguns are their weakness.

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty

8.) You play with claw, controllers or mouse and keyboards(CODM): This only applies to Call of Duty mobile but if you have to play with claw, controller or a mouse and keyboard then you obviously doubt your skills so much that you are pretty much trying to give yourself an unfair advantage over other players.

9.) You spam score-streaks: I almost never use score-streaks because to me, score-streaks require no skill to use. They are pretty much free points. And it gets even worse when players use persistence in order to be able to spam score-streaks. Because you can literally be on the losing team but if you’ve got persistence then you can easily turn the tide by spamming your no skill VTOLs, attack choppers etc.

Scorestreaks on shipment are so irritating
Scorestreaks on shipment are so irritating

10.) You blatantly cheat: This is a no brainer but if you install any kind of cheat, this means you are absolutely crap at the game. It doesn’t matter what kind of cheat you use, even if it’s something subtle like “no bullet spread” or “100% hip fire accuracy” you are a cheater who has no skill whatsoever.

So are you a Chad who is actually good at Call of Duty or are you a soy beta who isn’t actually good at Call of Duty?

Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty
Signs you might be better than you think you are at Call of Duty and also signs you might not be as good as you think you are at Call of Duty
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