
My overall opinion on politics and why I have the political views that I have

My political views have definitely evolved ever since I first dabbled with them back in my teens. Believe it or not I actually hate politics and I wish that I could call myself “apolitical” but the thing about being apolitical is that you have to not care about any political issue to truly be apolitical. If you have an opinion on something then you can’t call yourself apolitical. Me I dabble with politics because there are things that really anger me and because these things in a sense can lead to infringements of rights and liberties. The thing is though that I reluctantly dabble with politics not that I actually enjoy dabbling with politics

I consider politics to be the main cause of every war that has occurred so far, not to mention that politics divide people within a country. The division is between right and left wing, it would be nice if it was only a disagreement but In reality it has turned into intolerance of each other.

Why makes me dabble with politics? It’s my concerns that my rights and liberties could be infringed upon in a hypothetical dystopian future. It’s also anger whenever someone of a demographic I belong to suffers and injustice all while certain people ignore it or try to justify it. It’s disgusting.

  • Far left wingers discriminating against Asians
  • Far left wingers trying to infringe on our second amendment
  • Far left wingers constantly looking for work arounds to infringe on the first amendment
  • Far left wingers misusing science, specifically psychology and psychiatry as political weapons
  • Far left wingers trying to infringe on self defense rights
  • Far left wingers waging war on tradition
  • Far left wing censorship and shunning of symbols, music, certain attires etc
  • Misandry
  • Anti theists spouting off hatred of religion specifically Christianity
  • Secular colleges being used as re-education centers.
  • Far left wing influential figures using their platforms to promote their agenda through propaganda(misleading biased information)

All those listed things and more anger me so much. As much as I wish that I didn’t care, I know that I can’t ignore them because they are problems that affect many people negatively and even get praised by those who have been brainwashed and it scares me. Those are the seeds of totalitarianism(scapegoating, censorship, right and liberty infringement.)

Despite this I don’t hate every single person that is left wing. I interact with many people who are left wing on a daily basis at my job, at my school etc I know they are generally not bad people as most of them are moderate left wing, better known as liberals. Liberals aren’t the ones trying to make a regime change, it’s the far left wing who often pose as liberals to give themselves an illusion of credibility.

What caused me to develop my political views? You’d be surprised to know that back in high school I did have some sympathies towards liberals although I never actually identified as one. However I always hated feminazis, anti theists and totalitarian communists. It wasn’t till shortly after high school where I realized that being part Asian, I just didn’t feel welcomed by liberals who despite being the crowd that supports marginalized groups, liberals don’t actually care about Asian-American issues as they consider them to be less important than the issues of other marginalized groups. But at the same time it isn’t the liberal that is actively working against Asians and Christians, it’s the far left winger who blatantly views such groups as being “privileged” not marginalized. You wonder why only recently Asians have managed to get lead roles in Hollywood, well it’s because of the far left wingers who sabotage Asian American success in Hollywood.

My overall opinion on politics and why I have the political views that I have

Why do I despise feminism so much? First thing is first, I obviously do not like feminism at all but I’m not a misogynist. I hate feminism but I do not hate women as there are many women I respect and love. Plus, women and feminism are not synonymous with each other. You can be a woman and not be a feminist and in fact most women don’t identify as feminists. Likewise you can believe in equality without being a feminist. Feminism is definitely a Marxist ideology that pretends to fight for equality but in reality what feminism wants is the following

  • Feminists want to reduce men to second class citizens
  • Feminists want to destroy straight marriage
  • Feminists want to divide men and women
  • Feminists want to destroy a nation’s cultures and traditions
  • Feminists want to destroy women’s femininity
  • Feminists want to censor and ban anything that is politically incorrect
  • Feminists want to destroy Christianity
  • Feminists use their own brand of imperialism to spread their ideology around the world and vilify any country that refuses to adopt feminism

Some people think I’m a fascist

Simply refusing to endorse any mainstream far left wing politics is enough for the far left wing to call you a “racist, sexist, fascist nazi” but that’s nothing more than a ad hominem that isn’t true at all. It’s also a false dichotomy. Which makes me question these idiots by asking simple questions such as

  • Am I a fascist for believing that people should not intrude on other people’s personal lives?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that people should have the unalienable right to defend themselves against violent criminals?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that censorship is immoral and deceptive?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that the government should work for the people instead of against the people?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that colleges should be apolitical environments were people go to get an education not an indoctrination?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that our mental health system is crap and needs to be reformed to be more humane and supportive of the mentally ill?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that extradition for the accusation of non violent crimes is immoral, illogical and unconstitutional?
  • Am I a fascist for believing that gun ownership should be respected so citizens can defend themselves against criminals and as a sign of mutual trust between the citizen and the government?
  • Am I a fascist for criticizing the hypocrisy of the far left wing?
  • Am I a fascist for believing in the advanced of technology and scientific discovery via ethical practices
  • Am I fascist for thinking rude people should be barred from positions of authority.
  • Am I a fascist for believing that the Feds(ATF, FBI, IRS etc) are not friends of the common American folk?
  • Am I a fascist for criticizing green(vegan, environmentalist) authoritarianism?
  • Am I a fascist for demanding America starts acting like the “land of the free”?

If you think I’m a fascist for any one of these beliefs then perhaps it is you who is the fascist because I’m as much of a fascist as the Nazis cared about Jewish civil rights. For the idiots, that means I’m not a fascist.

My overall opinion on politics and why I have the political views that I have

Do I have political hatred?

Someone on this website said that I have a lot of hatred in me. However I don’t consider myself to be a person full of hate. There is a big difference between hate and anger towards injustice. To hate means you just hold tremendous contempt for someone or something just because you think that someone or something is a certain way. For me I feel rage for the injustices that are praised or ignored by the far left wing but it isn’t hatred. Anyone who has morals will get reasonably angry when they witness an injustice.

Those who claim to be social justice and green activists are using their activism as a front to build their own rise to totalitarian power.- adfsdf1996/Anton Von Heideberg

Far Leftist proto totalitarianism
Far Leftist proto totalitarianism

Republicans are no saints either:

I may not criticize Republicans as frequently simply because they usually don’t do or support stuff that angers me. It doesn’t mean they are perfect either, I think of them as the lesser evil. Because yes the Republicans have done some messed up things just like the Democrats and other far left wing groups did. However, unlike the Democrats at least the Republicans don’t deny their sins or shift the blame to others.

Republicans have the power to abolish the FBI but they rather use it for their own authoritarianism
Republicans have the power to abolish the FBI but they rather use it for their own authoritarianism

Bullsh*t from mainstream society

I love my country the USA, there are many things we take for granted. Things many other countries wish they had, things immigrants from those countries value when they get here. However that doesn’t mean there aren’t things that need to fixed. It’s natural for a citizen to have concerns about his or her country, there’s nothing wrong with that. The following behaviors from people are things that concern me from mainstream society.

  • Self entitled people who don’t want to work and instead prefer to steal
  • Rude people
  • deceptive people
  • greedy people
  • egotistical people
  • unsympathetic people
  • impatient people

All these types of people make everyday things harder than they are supposed to be.

My political views are still a work in progress.

For the most part I know where I stand politically but it isn’t just one set of political beliefs, it’s a hybrid and as such I created my own political ideology. My political ideology is a hybrid of right libertarianism, conservatism and Christian theocracy. I’m still tweaking and refining this ideology and as such I haven’t really come up with a name for it. Here are some place holder names for my ideology

  • American reformism
  • Conservative reformism
  • Libertarian compromise
  • constitutional reformism
  • Constitutional theocracy

Don’t you hate Canadians, Bostonians, Portlanders and New Yorkers?

I hate their politics and I scorn how they treat Asians like second class citizens but I know not all of these people are far left wingers. Yes every time someone mentions “Canada”, “Boston”, “Portland” or “New York city” a surge of anger races through my body but again I am not oblivious to the fact not all of them are bad people.

Why do you despise psych wards so much?
Because they are run by abusive and incompetent staff members that treat their patients with great contempt. Even though I’ve thankfully never been in one, it’s well documented how poorly run those places are. Further more, the field of psychiatry is a political weapon used by the far left to label anyone they disagree with as being “mentally ill”. This is why those who are actually mentally ill can’t get the help they need because they are treated like devil spawns, all while the efforts of the field of psychiatry are focused on politics.

What do I want
I simply don’t want to be bothered. I want to simply live in peace, I want to secure a good future for my family and I. I want a carefree life for us. I want a world where I can do my own thing without being bothered. I don’t need any far left wing and or authoritarian orcs telling me what to do.

My overall opinion on politics and why I have the political views that I have
Post Opinion