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1 y

Are you being "GASLIGHTED?"

Ah, were you inspired by it being the 2022 word of the year named by Merriam-Webster dictionary? Interesting phenomenon, eh, Coach? What a world we live in... No, I haven't exactly had the pleasure. Relationships

+1 y

Working together - the differences in working with women and men

Very interesting! This is one of the more interesting mytakes I've read on here. I read it out to my husband and we chatted and here's some of our combined comments: * The men are not... Relationships

+1 y

Toxic people - what goes through their head, said from a former toxic person

"Ironically enough, I would go after and persecute people who praised or helped me, more than those who criticized or got in my way. If you remember well, the cooperative girl whom always... Relationships

+1 y

Why Do Some Men Seem More Attractive Than Others To Women?

Well done, and I agree with you. Reading the handful of comments here, there's a hell of a lot of pushback against this, but I'm with you. If only more people would challenge their own beliefs... Dating

+1 y

Men: A Really Easy Way To Figure Out When To Make A Move

Ok, anonymous, I actually approve. You've made a convincing argument that other men overcomplicate this. What they are thinking is, "Well I don't want to make her feel uncomfortable if she's... Dating

+1 y

Why I always lie to my girlfriend.

I just happened to write a question about this - truth in relationships. Do you live together ("fork in the sink...") or do you just go over to each other's places sometimes? If you're living... Relationships

+1 y

Why most guys are not committing to women anymore

Lynx, what the hell? What happened? Are you in a particularly bad mood, or is this honestly how you typically feel? Reading this, I would normally just keep on walking, not make any comment,... Dating

+1 y

My experience with emotionally detached parents and how it influenced my view on relationships

Yep. I'm not exactly sure what to say here. Am I surprised? Nah. Cause lots of shit happens in life, in the world, and there are so many half broken people. I think people should stop... Relationships

+1 y

I'm tired of being disowned by my own race - Interracial dating

I've only just found out (on gag) that this is a big point of contention in the black community. A black guy on here told me some of you consider it "genocide" to date outside your race. This is... Relationships

+1 y

Are we really surprised to be single these days?

Well, meye, a harsher version of what I wrote/the way I write, but I do agree with you. You haven't elaborated on it much, but sure, I'm with you. I think the most important takeaway for people... Relationships

+1 y

How To Get Girls If You Aren't Attractive

I like it, Avicenna. Nice job. Not as long as many mytakes, but I think you said what you needed to say and it's a nice, workable list for guys to follow. Use them together, and it's like a... Dating

+1 y

A little thought before moving in

Jean-Marie, Well, you're posting this that tomorrow is moving day, so it's a done deal, no point weighing the pros and cons with you now. But as the others have said, try not to feel so... Relationships

+1 y

To marry or break up: A decision I can't decide! Part 2

The sage continues! Well that's nice the dam has broke and you feel you've made a decision. I'm not sure why this conversation you had with her was the one that changed things or why it happened... Relationships

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