How To Get Girls If You Aren't Attractive


Even guys who are shouldn't just rely on their looks, but this Take is oriented toward the guys who women generally don't find all that attractive. Never fear- all is not lost. There are some things you can do to improve your chances and even make yourself more of a catch than conventionally attractive guys.

1. Learn to Dance

This makes a big difference and will make you more attractive in the eyes of lots of women. You can take charge and approach her when the music starts playing at a wedding, some other event, or at a club, and make a powerful impression.

How To Get Girls If You Arent Attractive

I'd recommend salsa in particular, but two step and the waltz are also good for beginners. Note that in some communities, you can dance with an acquaintance or relative even if she is in a relationship and it's perfectly OK (Latinas, for example), and that is a good way to get other girls to notice you. It is also easier for lots of guys to ask a girl to dance than to initially carry a conversation.

2. Lift Weights and Do Cardio

Yeah, girls notice a guy's body and it's something you can change more easily than your face (which will also look better once you've lost weight).

How To Get Girls If You Arent Attractive

As well as building confidence and making your body more attractive, you may also find yourself getting noticed by a potential girlfriend while you're exercising.

3. Be Funny And/or a Good Conversationalist

Yeah, guys who are naturally funny are often more skilled at getting girls than ones who are merely attractive. So what do you do if you aren't funny or your sense of humor doesn't match the one that prevails locally? Practice to find out what gains and holds girls' attention. Trial and error is a perfectly acceptable method for that. Just be sure to do it on the fly and not plan your lines.

You also get a girl's attention if you speak her language imperfectly, so don't be afraid to hit on girls if you aren't anywhere near fluent. She'll be glad to help you improve and you'll have her attention while she does that.


Those are just a few things that everyone can do to up their game and improve their chances of landing a girlfriend IRL.

How To Get Girls If You Aren't Attractive
30 Opinion