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+1 y

What do you find attractive but other people don’t?

Crow's feet. They accentuate a person's smile! Never understood why those are something to dislike and try to avoid/erase at all costs. Dating

+1 y

Could you forgive someone who cheated on you and continue the relationship?

No. All trust would be broken, and as far as I'm concerned, they don't really love or respect me if they cheated on me. I would eventually forgive for my sake (as in not hanging onto the... Relationships

+1 y

Do you dress nice and take care of yourself for others or yourself?

I pretty much dress for work or comfort most days and save dressing nice for special occasions, but I take care of myself for myself. I like the way I feel when I'm in shape and eating right. Dating

+1 y

What are you looking forward to in 2022?

The fact that it is a fresh start and a clean slate. I am SO glad the horror that was 2021 is over, and I never have to live through it again! I'm hoping 2022 will be a year of peace and... Relationships

+1 y

Do you feel like you are not good enough to have standards?

I feel the same way you do, it's a very sad mindset that will only destine them for failure, as being willing to take what you can get because you don't feel deserving of anything but the bottom... Dating

+1 y

How long after Christmas do you keep your tree up?

However long until I feel like putting it away. 🤣 In all seriousness though, typically before New Year's Eve. Mine is still up as of now, but will be likely taken down sometime this week.... Holidays

+1 y

At what age do you think women should stop having kids?

It probably depends on the woman, though I wouldn't go much past mid-30's, myself. There are women who give birth even older than that, but the chances of complications increase with age, plus... Dating

+1 y

Girls, does being financially spoiled make you more sexually attracted to a man?

No, that gives me a guilty feeling, lol. I've always felt a bit bad when people spend money on me (even my own parents as a kid, despite them wanting to do so and never complaining about it). Dating

+1 y

If you block an ex on social media is it easier to move on or does it make you obsess more?

It probably depends on the situation, but if it keeps you from lurking on their profile, it would probably help. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

How to get out of a friend zone?

No, you unfortunately cannot make someone like you as more than a friend, especially if they have told you that that is all they see you as. With that being said, I was friends with both of... Relationships

+1 y

What relationship “stage” would you consider a couple to be in if they have been together for 10 months so far?

I think it depends on the relationship. Some people move faster or slower than others. Relationships

+1 y

Is anyone else going through a dry spell?

I've been single without having been on so much as a date for 6 years now, but it's been by choice. I just haven't had the desire. Dating

+1 y

Does the side chick ever get promoted to wife?

If they do, it most likely won't be a faithful union. Typically, if someone cheats with you, they will eventually cheat on you. It's never a good idea to be anyone's "side chick", let alone to... Relationships

+1 y

Do you think counselling/therapy is for attention seekers or babies?

Not necessarily. It can be for people who genuinely need help sorting issues out in their lives, and there's no shame in admitting that you need help and seeking it out. However, if I'm being... Relationships

+1 y

What do you feel if your girlfriend threatened to sleep with another guy if you did not do whatever she wanted at that time?

See ya! 👋 That is manipulation at its finest and should not be tolerated. MAJOR red flag. Relationships

+1 y

Would you ever date the male/female version of yourself?

I'm not sure, they say opposites attract, so I'm not sure we'd even get along. 🤣 I tend to be hard headed, impatient, energetic, a bit hot tempered and excitable (though not as bad as I used to... Dating

+1 y

What’s your number one problem with dating if you are not in a relationship right now?

Well, a few of the main reasons I don't want to date are: 1. I'm asexual and not a fan of any sort of sexual physical touch, and that's a requirement of almost every relationship. 2. I... Dating

+1 y

Do you think you’ll be single forever?

I think there's a good chance I will be, considering I simply have no desire for a relationship or much of what one entails. I quite enjoy being alone and don't see that changing any time soon. Dating

+1 y

Have you ever settled to be friends with someone that you would have dated?

There are guys I would've liked to date in the past (though not anymore) that I would have no problem being friends with (and wouldn't have minded being/remaining just friends then). The only... Dating

+1 y

What’s your favorite Thanksgiving food?

That's a tough one! I would say cranberry sauce. I'm typically the one who eats the most of it out of my family, most of whom won't touch it (which I think is crazy, but hey, more for me, right?). Food & Beverage

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