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+1 y

Do men need space after spending the weekend together?

You spent over 50 hours together? In a row? You bet he needs some space. You didn't do anything wrong, and you've no need to worry. He'll be fine in a day or so. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Ex girlfriend dumped me, broke my heart, but is pissed because I don't acknowledge her?

Some girls need to do this - they want to show case that there was no hard feelings, that they weren't the bad guy, and that we can all be mature about this. Some girls also like the... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Do most guys about to get married cheat at bachelor parties?

It depends on how you define cheating. If you're one of those idiots who thinks looking at a pair of t*ts is cheating then yes. If you mean penis inserted into some females body cavity, then no. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Why do men cheat if they love their partner?

As a girl on GAG realized very recently, "cheating" happens often with no reason what so ever. And is far more complicated than many moralistic high-horse riding naifs seem to think. In a... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Guys...if you are turned down for a date..will you ever ask again?

I don't have time to waste on time wasters. Anything other than a yes, is a no as far as I am concerned. So I won't bother asking again. She can ask, and I'll consider it. But I'm done asking... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Boyfriend broke up with me because I didn't trust him, but I don't want to, what do I do?

You blew it. It's over. You need to accept that. It's over. He told you exactly what would happen. You did it anyway. Now you live with the consequences. You will never... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My ex boyfriend MAD I dumped him?

You broke up. He doesn't want you in his life anymore. That's what breaking up means. He's taking steps to move on with his life. The sooner the better, with such things. Why should he... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

What does it mean if a guy says he's moved on buy doesn't get a new girlfriend?

He's over you. He just isn't dating anyone. The one has nothing to do with the other. Finding a new girl to date is just one way to get over someone. It's not the only way. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Say you get a random text message from your most important ex saying hey, do you freak out?

I think it's normal yeah, especially if she's the one who dumped you and you still have some feelings for her. Don't freak out though. It doesn't mean you're getting back together or anything.... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My ex's life is spiralling out of control and it's all because I dumped her. Was I right to react this way?

You were 100% in the right to dump her. You have no responsibility for what her father did after that. And the fact that she tried to blame you in some way for her cheating, well, that... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Guys, do you get slightly annoyed/put off if your girlfriend eats very little just to be "on diet"?

Yeah, this annoys me. I'll try to tell you why. It's not irrational. 1) It makes no difference. Weight loss actually requires more than just starving yourself at the occasional meal.... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Should the dumpee ever break no contact?

It's not true that the dumper will contact the dumpee. This only rarely happens. In either case, the dumpee should NEVER contact the person who dumped them. They should just get on with their... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

He's already seeing someone else.

He was a coward, in not making the break up with you as final and complete as it could have been, but it was probably because he didn't want to hurt you. Making a complete break is painful and... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My boyfriend left me out of the blue?

He wasn't communicating to you during the relationship, so you never knew when his feelings began to wane, or change, or if they were never real to begin with. The problem now is that you fell... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Should I delete him from everything?

People don't get notified if you delete them on AIM. Nor on Facebook. And it doesn't make you seem childish or immature. Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

Why do girls go back to cheaters and liars?

A guy who can cheat on a girl, is sending a very basic signal. He is desirable. He is wanted by other girls/women. This makes him attractive to some women. It's biological. It's nature.... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

My Girlfriend is Pregnant With her Ex!

It's not a time to be subtle. Tell her straight out, that the relationship is over. That you will in NO WAY be responsible for another mans kid. But that you're willing to help her AS A FRIEND, if... Break Up & Divorce

+1 y

She isn't over her ex, I'm in love with her and want to wait, I don't quite understand her though...

RUN YOU FOOL! Run far, and run fast. This girl is using you as an emotional crutch. She will compliment you and lead you on JUST enough to keep you interested. But she will never love... Break Up & Divorce

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