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6 mo

Could you date someone that is co-dependent?

I am co dependent myself, so yeah. I mean to me, love is where each person is so obsessed with the other person, whereby nothing else is as interesting as that person. May not be healthy, but it's... Dating

7 mo

How do you tell your boyfriend that you want to get married?

She could say to him that as she knows he doesn't want to get married, she will have to break up with him so that she can focus on finding someone who does want to marry her. She could say that he... Marriage & Weddings

8 mo

Help, should I have asked her out?

Ask her out. You guys are young. Most girls start out in life assuming people just talk to them because they're just being friendly. Some attractive women even maintain that innocence well into... Dating

8 mo

How much should a new couple text each other and see each other a week?

That sounds like high interest level on his part to me. The fact that he actually initiates texts is a good sign. Dating

8 mo

Who should be in charge of money in a relationship?

The woman should be in charge of deciding where the money gets spent, but the guy is in charge of making the money. Relationships

8 mo

Would you date someone who was arrested in the past or has a criminal history but changed for the better in the future?

I used to think I would, but as I got older, I became less naive. I originally assumed there must have been a real reason why the person committed that crime, and that I'd therefore never have to... Dating

8 mo

Boyfriend makes me guilty that I want to spend time with him. How to deal with that?

He does have a point that you're only thinking of yourself, whereby you're determining how much he loves you based on how much time he spends with you. But him withholding the kiss and affection... Relationships

8 mo

How do I communicate my expectations to my boyfriend in a nice way? How do I bring it up and not sound condescending?

You should just get your girlfriends to do that. Just focus on whether he introduces you as his girlfriend to people that mean things to him, whether he pays for dates, and whether he protects... Dating

8 mo

How do I know if my boyfriend is losing feelings?

If his eyes don't light up when he sees you anymore, then that's a bad sign. And if it's always you taking initiative to do things together. Try stop initiating, and see what happens. Dating

8 mo

If ONE is the LONELIEST number, why do people ony want one wife?

They only want one wife because one wife is cheaper and less dramatic than more wives. And I guess the guy assumes he will still be allowed to have a social life outside of the marriage. Relationships

8 mo

Is Brunch a good first date idea?

It's a good idea, but does that mean there's less of a chance that it'll lead to sex afterwards? Dating

8 mo

Does your partner have a right to continue to ask you to do things for them, that they'd never or refuse to do themselves?

For stuff like blow jobs, I think that men who find excuses to not give their women blow jobs but they insist on getting blow jobs, that definitely is ridiculous. Other than that, I agree with... Relationships

8 mo

What's one lesson you'd like others to learn about staying in a long term relationship?

I'd like people to learn that the amount of years one stays together has nothing to do with how much the person loves you. Only wanting to get married can reveal that. Relationships

8 mo

What should I do as a man with my issues with women?

Why don't you just ask women out the moment you suspect they're flirting, instead of worrying about how to flirt back? Dating

8 mo

Is it a big deal that my boyfriend follows bikini girls on instagram?

As long as he's spending his time and money on you , then you shouldn't be worried about that. Men need variety in their sexual partners, but most men can fulfill that need simply by looking at... Dating

8 mo

Is emotional cheating worse than physical cheating?

Your wife should not be worried about women trying to develop an emotional connection with you, as any old desperate woman could do that, and you're not going to fall in love with the woman based... Relationships

8 mo

What does come visit more with a smile mean?

Maybe he wants you to buy stuff at his bar. Like @DonFredoCorleone said, think carefully my sister Flirting

8 mo

Should I break up with my boyfriend? please I need help?

At your young age, you should be dating numerous guys at the same time (as long as you're not having sex with them, then that's okay). It sounds like he's certainly giving you enough free time to... Relationships

8 mo

Birthday lovely text?

💐🌈🏖️🍕🥞🍔🍿🎊Happy Birthday 🎉 🎂 🧁🎁👋🤩🌟🪩 Relationships

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