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2 mo

Do you believe in the phrase "opposites attract"?

I believe opposites attract, but only in specific ways. If one person is too cerebral, then the emotional person just won't think it's worth sticking around. But if the cerebral person shows just... Relationships

2 mo

Do you have to share interests with your partner to have a good relationship?

It might actually work out well if he's an extravert who loves going out and you like to have that alone time to do hobbies that that you don't want to have judged by someone. As long as the... Relationships

4 mo

Should I stay with my boyfriend or go abroad and be in a long distance relationship?

If you start revolving your life around him as though you're already married, then he's never going to propose to you. It's better to leave for a while while he still thinks that you're special.... Relationships

4 mo

Can you give me some advice please?

Maybe you finding another guy to go out with is the only way to get him to realize how important you are to him. Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

What should we do to celebrate our ANNIVERSARY?

You should probably propose. It's really sweet that you're putting in so much thought, though. Maybe do something that shows how much time you've spent thinking about the anniversary, like... Relationships

4 mo

I'm 19 almost 20 and my boyfriend is 24.. we plan on getting married in a few years, when do you think it'd be right to start having kids? ?

A few years is a long time from now. Best wait until after you've married to consider that question. How serious is he about you if he only wants to get married a few years from now? He might say... Relationships

5 mo

A guy got me pregnant and he promised to be responsible. But now after gis family found out about the baby he claims that he's giving me space?

He called you his cousin - He doesn't want other people to know that the two of you are together, and he is not proud to be with you. You are not 'the one', according to him. Once you've been away... Break Up & Divorce

5 mo

Is this considered a rebound?

It was a rebound, but now it has turned into something more meaningful. It happens. Break Up & Divorce

5 mo

The love of my life is completely broke, but trying to find work. Should I stay with him?

What types of jobs has he been applying to? Surely there are jobs available, like in restaurants, and other labor type jobs that no one wants to do anymore because they all have university... Marriage & Weddings

5 mo

If girls only want to date marry and fuq 8s and 9s, what is my purpose in life as a 2?

Men that are twos have an easier time becoming absorbed in a work related passion than women do (due to compartmentalism in their brains). Women who are twos will never fully be able to completely... Relationships

5 mo

How do you tell if a married guy likes you?

He might just like having a female friend to vent about his marriage to, but he's still in love with his wife, and doesn't want anything serious with another woman. So I would suggest not getting... Flirting

5 mo

What are the characteristics of a healthy, strong, and well-rounded relationship?

Each partner does nice things for the other without expecting the other person to do something for them in return, not to mention guess how they should repay them. Plus, the nice things that each... Relationships

5 mo

I want to divorce my husband but he told me no one doesn't want damaged ‘thing’? We continue to fight. Should I try to fix my marriage?

Divorce him, but let him have most of the money. That way, you are forced to take responsibility for not screening the guy well enough before marrying him, as well as paints you in a good light... Marriage & Weddings

5 mo

What are your views on marriage and living together before marriage?

Living together doesn't make people love each other more. It just makes it harder to break free from a person that's not right for you, as well as reduce the need to get married since the guy is... Marriage & Weddings

5 mo

Could you stay together if you were in a sexless marriage?

Yes, definitely. As long as there's cuddling, I don't mind no sex Marriage & Weddings

5 mo

How do I turn down the possibility of a relationship?

I don't think that's a good enough reason to leave him quite frankly. When you're older and have less options, you'll regret letting someone like that go. People fall in love with people all the... Dating

5 mo

Would you date an attention seeker?

It depends on how they seek attention. If it's just that they're trying to be memorable to people in order to create loyalty in their friends, I might be understanding. Dating

5 mo

What are some examples of narcissistic behavior in a relationship?

Narcissists are good at making people feel sorry for them, and making other people feel like it's their job to cheer them up. If you try and confront them about something they did, they'll say... Relationships

5 mo

Are men more touchy, daring and flirty with women they consider "semi attractive" or with gorgeous women?

They're probably more touchy feely with semi-attractive women, as they'd feel more comfortable around them, in the same way they'd be more comfortable being touchy with a co-worker as opposed to a... Flirting

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