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1 mo

Do you consider yourself a "killer" in the sack?

I don’t wanna kill em just wanna “F**k” em 🤣 Relationships

1 mo

Should women take more leadership roles in relationships?

Relationships shouldn’t be about “leadership” they should be about “partnership” (hence the term “my partner”) Relationships

1 mo

Is it fine to date a friend's ex?

I think that is a question for the friend with the ex… If they’re okay with it, then guess it’s not a problem… If they’re not and you value your friendship, then that wouldn’t be a good thing to do… Dating

1 mo

Are short men doomed in the dating world in 2024?

Only if you listen to asshat idiots on here 🤣 Dating

1 mo

I told my husband to choose between me or my pregnant sister, does that even make sense?

Can I ask? When you lost your pregnancies (my sympathies by the way) was your sister there for you? While I get that it might be hard to see someone pregnant when you yourself wish it was you, you... Relationships

1 mo

Do you really believe once a cheater always a cheater or can a cheater change?

For the most part, I’ll say once a cheater always a cheater… but there are those that feel so riddled with guilt that they won’t do it again (few and far between mind you but they’re out there… If... Relationships

1 mo

What are your tips on getting out of the Friend Zone?

Don’t put yourself IN the friend zone in the first place… if someone is friends with someone only because they think/hope it will turn into more, that’s on THEM and not the other person… If you... Dating

1 mo

Do you think someone who remains single and childless by choice for their whole lives can truly be happy?

My one friend (she was closer to my mom’s age and like a second mom) remained single and no children and she was happy with her life… sadly she passed about 8 years ago… Not all single people are... Relationships

2 mo

Would you ever get involved with an unhappily married person?

Wouldn’t date anyone already married, Happy or not 🤷‍♀️ Relationships

2 mo

If your partner slaps you across the face for something you said should you instantly break up?

Nah imma slap the shit out of them in return and then we can break up 😁 Relationships

2 mo

I had talked to this guy on a dating app he ghosted me and he came back 9 months later on facebook after I have a boyfriend, is he flirting?

Are you? Why would you exchange numbers with a guy you were interested in in the past if you currently have a boyfriend… And sending pics? Why would you do that if you’re not trying to show interest Valentine's Day

2 mo

What is the most important part about marriage?

Having that one person that’s seen you at your worst, and still thinks you’re the best… that person that would jump in front of a bullet for you like you would for them.. that person that knows... Marriage & Weddings

2 mo

Is this true or false, if a man gets his woman roses 🌹🌹for valentines day he is cheating on her?

OMG women these days need to just stop… if a man doesn’t get you flowers he doesn’t care enough now if he does he must be cheating… can women get more ridiculous 🤦🏼‍♀️… Valentine's Day

2 mo

How often do you date someone who is not "your type"?

I married him 🤣 actually neither of my husbands were my “type” but I fell for the person versus an image 🤷‍♀️ Dating

2 mo

Girls, do you think a woman should remarry after the death of her husband?

I think that’s a personal choice not a blanket one… And is the decision of the person that lost their spouse/partner… Marriage & Weddings

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