I told my husband to choose between me or my pregnant sister, does that even make sense?

Alright, so here's the situation: After trying and losing a few pregnancies, I was really sad. Then, my sister, who is pregnant, came to stay with us. It was hard seeing her like that because it reminded me of what I lost. My husband started doing a lot of things for her, like getting her snacks and making sure she's comfortable and he keeps asking is he wants anything else. One time, he even skipped our movie night to go for a walk with her because she wanted to. I started feeling left out and kind of jealous.

I told my husband how I felt, but he got really mad. So I said he needs to choose a side. He said he was just trying to be nice to my sister and that I was being unfair. Now, we're both upset, and I'm not sure what to do.

I told my husband to choose between me or my pregnant sister, does that even make sense?
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