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3 d

Girls, Reconciling with an ex?

If you both hurt each other that bad then it may not work out again. An ex is an ex for a reason but yet again if you both want to try again then that's on the both. It might be hard but try to... Relationships

5 d

How often is too often to be texting?

It's not bad to text someone you like but it is also a good idea to make it clear what you like and don't like from a guy. If you are not getting the same then it's best to communicate what you... Dating

5 d

Are you supposed to hookup after one tinder date?

No I don't see tinder always being a hook up app but you can always ask what they are looking for Dating

12 d

Why is he with me if he doesn’t like plus size girls? We have been together 3 months and he has said he loves me…so?

That's something you will have to communicate and address to him that him liking those pictures makes you feel this type of way so that he knows what your boundaries are, if he can't respect that,... Dating

27 d

How do I get over this breakup?

He has tried to break up with you 10 times. It's time to move on. If that's how you felt in the relationship that if you left he wouldn't care then why be there? I say stop wondering if he will... Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Do white women ever chase black men?

I'm not sure about chasing but find attractive yes. Dating

1 mo

I can't ever forgive infidelity but is it too late to start over at age 42?

It is never too late to fond love again, it doesn't matter what age. Sometimes we can't control what happens but we can choose to try again with someone else Break Up & Divorce

1 mo

Girls, could you date a guy with a woman's name?

I wouldn't mind as long as he treats me good Dating

1 mo

GIRLS: when do you know if you like him?

That is normal. Don't ever feel rushed and don't ever feel like you have to hurry and go on 3 dates and like him. It takes time to built something meaningful. My current boyfriend right now we... Dating

1 mo

Should I feel confident asking out coworker?

You should feel confident, sounds like she is into you. I would say don't let anyone not one single person know at work. You don't want anyone in your business Flirting

3 mo

What should be a good Valentine's day gift for my partner, suggestions please?

Flowers, a teddy bear and chocolate, starbucks gift card or any gift card or you can cook dinner Valentine's Day

3 mo

Ex says she’s not ready for a relationship?

That is up to you if you are willing to wait for her, mistakes happen and if they are in the past then you can prove/show her you won't make them with her. If anything she might just want to see... Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

How do you cope with being alone on Christmas?

I would just try to make the most out of it. Christmas doesn't have to be celebrated on the 25th, you can do Christmasy things before that with friends as friends become family also. Go get some... Holidays

4 mo

Will I ever get over him after being together for a year?

Yes you will, but it does take time. It'll take time to feel like your old self again. What does help if it's done for is deleting any old texts and also deleting photos. Don't stalk them on... Break Up & Divorce

4 mo

How do you stop flirting?

I'm just not a good flirt lol Flirting

5 mo

Am I wrong for being happy that my husband son is dead?

Wow my eyes just opened wide with you saying that Relationships

5 mo

Why does he pretend to look for something around me when there’s nothing there?

He probably feels the same and trust me some guys are actually shy. It's literally up to you to get some clarification. You should talk to him next time like hey looking for something? I always... Flirting

5 mo

Girls, Are truck drivers players?

He just sounds like he likes you. I wouldn't say they are all players you would just need to get to know him Flirting

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