1 mo

GIRLS: when do you know if you like him?

i’ve went out on 3 dates with this guy i met through a networking event and he’s been the sweetest, our conversations flow and we’ve realized we’re basically the same person. i’ve been through some not so great experiences in love so i’m very very cautious and slow to truly opening up to someone and especially falling in love with someone. It does feel strange having someone tell me they like me too, as I've never experienced that before.

i still can’t tell if i truly like him yet, but i find myself very comfortable around him and wanting to spend the few hrs we have together, but i do think i need to go on a few more dates with him to know. is this normal, or is 3 dates usually the point where you know if you like them or not?
GIRLS: when do you know if you like him?
3 Opinion