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+1 y

Do you grow chest hair? If so, do you get rid of it, and if not, would you get rid of it if a partner wanted you to?

I love when my hands moves around those chest hairs, it feels relaxing to me tbh😃😃 Relationships

+1 y

Guy I’m dating is a mean drunk. I'm not sure what to do. Any advice?

Let him go to a rehab or you give him the ultimatum, or its over. You can't develop a low self esteem cause you dating someone Relationships

+1 y

Why are there so many single bachelors nowadays?

Because their taste are high, back then they want a stay at home woman. But now, they want a woman that works hard just as much as him Dating

+1 y

Who has it tougher, overall, in dating?

Every shy persons finds it hard, be it male or female Dating

+1 y

Should me and my girlfriend come out?

I think when you both are old enough to take the criticism and shameful comment people will give to you, you can come out. But now I think it's best you keep it between each other Relationships

+1 y

Is it creepy or bad to secretly record sessions with a therapist?

That's terrible, they not safe with their secret then, cause you've them Relationships

+1 y

Has anyone ever called you heartless or cold?

A lot of times!!! Simply because we don't agree on same things. You want to have your way and I want to Relationships

+1 y

Road trip and farting?

Well if you both hasn't gotten to the stage of farting and feeling embarrassed then it's better you let him know so he can pull over for you to ease yourself, I hope it helps Relationships

+1 y

Diesel's Rant'isodes continuation?

Just stop ranting😋😋 Relationships

+1 y

How do you stop self-sabotaging in a relationship?

Well start by accepting that you don't look bad or ugly at least, be contented with yourself. Accept yourself first and know that you deserve the best in life Dating

+1 y

Once in a relationship, would you let your partner have new friends of the opposite sex?

Yah, he can have opposite friends, relationship is all about trust anyways Relationships

+1 y

Do u guys think he was being honest with me?

He faked the whole sister story, maybe a dude was calling because he gave him the time to call, or he actually liked you. Just be careful Dating

+1 y

Attraction is not a CHOICE... or is it?

It is a choice cause you accept the person first with your mind Dating

+1 y

Would you be okay with your partner cross dressing?

Nah I won't, like what the hell were you thinking Dating

+1 y

Where is this leading to?

He wants to get to know you more Dating

+1 y

Do you truly believe that women hit the Wall after the age of 30 no matter how pretty they are?

I think any woman who hit 30 shouldn't settle for less no matter what, even if you don't have the looks you've the experience and the maturity Dating

+1 y

Do you enjoy PDA (Public Displays of Affection)?

Haven't tried it yet but I think I'll love that Flirting

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