How do you stop self-sabotaging in a relationship?

I have been dating a while but technically not a relationship yet because I keep holding back because I can't except good things happening to me.
Objectively speaking it's going great. He tells me evertime he is crazy about me and how attractive he thinks I am. But I am instinctively searching for bad things. Like he tells me I look great, I get self conscious and don't feel pretty at all. I am looking for my flaws immediately and it keeps me from opening up. I think there are so many prettier girls he could go for and maybe will if he finds them.
Or when he compliments me otherwise.
I play down every compliment and don't allow myself to feel good about them.
self destructive way of thinking
self destructive way of thinking
I am afraid in the long run if I accept all these nice things it will be taken away anyway and I will be worse off after.
I know it's unreasonable but still I feel like this.
I have self acceptance issues so I think I don't deserve good things happening to me.
But I like this guy and he says he likes me too and If I could accept this thing it would be one of the best that happened to me in ages.
How do I stop my destructive way of thinking?
How do you stop self-sabotaging in a relationship?
27 Opinion