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+1 y

What makes someone uncool?

It can be their attitude or the way they look and express themselves. A big no-no for me is when people make faces, roll their eyes or have something very smart and sarcastic things to say makes... Family & Friends

+1 y

What are tips to help combat feelings of being rejected from family?

I try to stay away and distant myself from negativity and gossip. People who talk about other people and always complain they want you to be miserable like they are. Family & Friends

+1 y

Have you or do you ever feel that your own family (and even friends) do not value your opinion on anything?

If I give people my advice or opinion either friend, family stranger etc I only would say it once or twice. If they choose to listen or not at least I told them. Some people are very stubborn and... Family & Friends

+1 y

Guy-girl friendship?

Not all guy friends take advantage of their good female friends. I do think everything is based on looks from friendship to dating. Family & Friends

+1 y

Will it ever be safe for women to be out alone at night?

Tbh no where is safe anymore. Even going on vacation isn't safe. Another disturbing thing is being t home is not safe anymore. In my area they do a lot of home break instead, car jackings have... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do guys like girls that are a little crazy?

Nah nobody like drama and stress in a relationship.. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why do some women feel the need to plaster the internet with half naked/naked pics of themselves?

Because it's like a fashion trend. a lot of women do it on Instagram and other sites. It also gets people attention more. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Ok, ladies why don’t we ask out men?

I think a lot of women don't ask out men because they are either taken and women have more options then men and they can be more pickier especially on dating websites.. a lot of girls like... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Why do my girl friends always avoid me after getting a boyfriend?

I think it's a girl thing. I think they act like that since your single.. They could also might be afraid that their boyfriend's might flirt with you. I know it sounds crazy but girls think like... Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What do you like to do for your Birthday?

Happy birthday!!! I like to go shopping on my birthday then maybe go out to eat and play bowling or hit the casino for fun. Family & Friends

+1 y

How do you cut off a toxic family member when you live under the same roof?

I would try to avoid her as much as possible and just isolate myself. Family & Friends

+1 y

If I have about 5k saved up for a car, what should my budget be?

You should budget for taxes, plates, regestration, gas and also car repairs, etc. I think $5000 is a good start. Family & Friends

+1 y

What life lesson did you learn the hard way?

The thing life has taught me over and over again is that all good things always eventually comes to an end. Sometimes it's not in our control. Family & Friends

+1 y

Men, what's secretly sexy about a girl?

The way a girl looks and the way a girl smells. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

In YOUR Opinion, Do Women Hold Grudges Longer Than Men?

I think both sexes do. But in extreme cases some take it to far. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Do you guys find it annoying if a girl double texts you?

It's not annoying to me because if a girl double texts then that shows she is interested in me. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

Girls, why do women lead men on?

Some girls lead guys on for attention and to boost their self esteem and ego. Girl's Behavior

+1 y

What to do for Valentine's day?

I know it's to late but video chatting, texting or even talking on the phone helps for long distance things when you can't always see the person. Valentine's Day

+1 y

Why is too hard to make girl friends?

I think other girls player hate and are jealous of your cute looks. People can be very judgmental. Family & Friends

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