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+1 y

Starbucks Racist Arrest Of Two Black Men At Philadelphia Store

there is no doubt that you can say their loitering in the store was illegal (technically). there is also no doubt that this starbucks and most starbucks around the country do not enforce this... Society & Politics

+1 y

How Pres. George Bush Conned the World Using the Past Perfect Tense 'HAD' As a Deceptive Reason To Invade Iraq

i think the language was clever in so much as making it possible for bush say he didn't lie. he "had" all those things means that if we go over there and find nothing bush didn't necessarily lie... Society & Politics

+1 y

Moral or Immoral?

i think you are asking a very layered question about military. there is little moral in the actual application of fighting forces more often than not. in syria we can say we are there to protect... Society & Politics

+1 y

Feminism IS Necessary For Equality Because Feminism IS Equality

true feminism has benefited men, women and society. sadly too many focus on the noisy minority of pseudo feminist to argue that feminism is evil. Women's Day

+1 y

No Revolution Works Without Violence!

yea when i saw the "no revolution works without violence" i immediately started thinking of all the non-violent revolutions i could think of it seems to me if you really total it up the number... Society & Politics

+1 y

17 Reasons Parkland Could Be a False Flag

hogg is not an actor. that mug shot you have is of a person nearly 10 years older with different listed features. beginning with such a false premise is never the sign of a very strong argument Society & Politics

+1 y

Calm Down Gays, The Fight Is Over!

yeah the fight is far from over. in america we have businesses trying to deny service to homosexuals. there is still tons of fights regarding LGBT adoptive parents. as you mentioned the suicide... Society & Politics

+1 y

School Kids Plan Walkout - They Are Fed Up with Prayers and Thoughts and Good Wishes

i'd be fed up with prayers and thoughts. clearly the thoughts and prayers haven't done a damn thing. i'm glad to see these young people motivated and activated. it's their lives at risk.... Society & Politics

+1 y

Why I Chose Libertarianism as my Party of Choice

i agree that there are policies on both sides that i support and policies on both sides that i disagree with but i also feel like being a libertarian disenfranchises you in many states. your voice... Society & Politics

+1 y

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

great take. hopefully both LGBT and non-LGBT teens see this Society & Politics

+1 y

Brain Deficits and Murder!

i don't think it's wrong to punish them. they still comitted a crime and there are plenty in a similar situation who aren't harming others. but i think punishment has to be levied with grave... Society & Politics

+1 y

The Idea of "White Privilege" is Racist and "Male White Supremacy" is Sexist!

white privilege isn't a racist notion. every demographic in society experiences some level of privilege due to being a member of that demographic. the level of triggered people about an... Society & Politics

+1 y

The Worst Valentines Day/Birthday I've Ever Had

damn that is fucked up. to give you a card on your birthday/valentine's telling you she is breaking up i know that was rough but i'd say good riddance to a person who could be so callous Valentine's Day

+1 y

#Metoo Movement is Finally Changing the Way People Think

it didn't really change the way i think but i certainly respect the movement, the empowerment and the discourse it has created. even those who find some reason to shame people for saying... Women's Day

+1 y

The Sexism of the English Language

i was certainly aware of much of this. never thought of the governor/governess matter though. that is very intriguing i've been cognizant in my life to try and use gender neutral things and... Society & Politics

+1 y

My Harsh Words For Trump’s New Law -and those that agree with it

hail hail the mother of dragons, breaker of chains Society & Politics

+1 y

It's Okay to be a Slut

it's fine as long as the slut is ok with the emotional and physical consequences that can come from a life of promiscuity. Society & Politics

+1 y

Marijuana Shouldn't be Legalized

if it has no medicinal purpose? how do we explain it's pain and anxiety relief in cancer patients. how it can reduce seizures in those with epilpsey from dozens a day to 1 or 2 a month. my... Society & Politics

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