Things Gay Teens Ought to Know


I used 'gay' for the title, but I mean every teen who is LGBT+.

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

Yes, You're Old Enough to Know

People say that teenagers are too young to know their sexual orientation or whether or not they're in love. But they're old enough to be deciding what career and degree and life they want to have forever? How convenient.

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

Homophobic/Transphobic Parents are Not Okay

This might seem dumb, but I know lots of teens are criticized so much by their parents for being LGBT that they feel inadequate and horrible and wrong. But you're not wrong. Yes, your parents may have religious reasons or something, but they aren't valid reasons.

Your mother should not be able to say "I don't care the gender as long as the baby's healthy I will love them" before going into labour for 8+ hours but then 17 years later kick their daughter Jessica out of the house because she was born a Justin.

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

You're Valid

So what if you don't know what you are? So what if you're trans but don't pass as your gender? It doesn't make you any less LGBT. It doesn't matter what your label is. And if you do have a lot of labels? Well, congratulations on figuring yourself out!

Its okay to be confused. Its okay if you're a trans guy but used to identify as a lesbian, or a trans lesbian who used to identify as a gay cis guy. It's not uncommon for gay trans people to have felt gay before they knew they were trans. It doesn't mean you're faking or anything like that, and you're not alone.

It's fine to question your identity. You have your whole life to figure it out.

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

It's Okay to be In the Closet

Sure, it sucks pretending to be straight/cis, but sometimes it is necessary. Don't force yourself to come out if you live in an extremely homophobic community/family. It will make your life worse in the long run. Coming out should not be held as a higher priority than not getting kicked out of your house.

But please remember: To all the queer kids who are in the closet on a day that really focuses in on is not always going to be this way. Someday you're going to boldly hold hands with your partner on Valentine's Day and be cutesy cliche with candy hearts and flowers. You're going to be okay.

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know

The road to LGBT has never been straight:)

Things Gay Teens Ought to Know
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