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15 d

How to handle a break up?

Call your local police and report it as an abandoned vehicle. They can tell you what the local procedures are for this situation. Break Up & Divorce

15 d

He got someone else pregnant and now he's begging me to take him back what do I do?

YOU are responsible for breeding with this illiterate garbage that calls himself a man, and I can only assume that you enjoy this kind of drama. When it gets to be too much, go get an injunction... Relationships

15 d

Guys, what are struggles you experienced in dating?

When I was a young man, I struggled with thinking I was not good enough, or mature enough, for women, because I was two years younger than my classmates. I eventuall overcame my lack of confidence... Dating

15 d

Guys, What is the ideal height you want in your girlfriend?

I am 5' 9" and most of my long term relationships were with girls 5' 0" to 5' 3". I have dated a woman who was 5' 9" and had no problem with her height, and was very much attracted to her, but she... Dating

15 d

Pink aura and white clothes?

"Aura," meaning the energy glow or spirit halo around people? Relationships

15 d

If you have had 6 dates with someone, do you say “We’re seeing” or “We’re dating”?

For me, "We are dating. . ." means we are dating exclusively. That may happen after the second or third date, or maybe after the second or third month of dating, but it usually happens around the... Dating

15 d

Does it make sense I left my girlfriend?

So she is not allowed to have male friends and you are not allowed to have female friends? Doesn't that seem a bit insecure to you? Dating

15 d

Guys, Do you think my boyfriend wants me to lose weight?

Why does it matter when HE thinks you should lose weight? YOU know whether you should lose weight and your judgment should guide your behavior. Relationships

15 d

Will Donald Trump deliver world peace?

The world may be at peace a bit more with him at the helm but NO world leader since the beginning of time has been able to deliver absolute world peace. I certainly wouldn't trust Biden to be at... Society & Politics

15 d

How to not be a dry texter?

Here is an idea that will probably astound you: call the guy instead of texting. Flirting

15 d

What are the best wedding dress alterations for every bride's dream?

Wedding dress alterations are very much a matter of individual needs and preferences. Why would you think OSFA? Marriage & Weddings

15 d

Why does everyone suggest dating apps when they are so bad and corrupt?

A huge number of people met their long term partner on dating sites. It is NOT just like dating IRL. If you are not having any success, maybe you are using the wrong sites or using the wrong... Dating

15 d

Which do you consider to be more dangerous?

You hate yourself and all men? You may not realize this, but many of us are gentlemen! Other

15 d

Got stood up on date without a call/text. Bumped into a week later, she smiled but I ignored as I was hurt. Was judged as being very entitled?

She is an inconsiderate bitch and her opinion is only a reflection of her own character flaws. Dating

16 d

If your partner asked to have a boxing match would you take their challenge?

No, I am 5' 9" 200 lbs and she is 5' 0" 122 lbs. Why would I do something violent to my wife? Dating

17 d

Why do most marriages fail nowadays?

Marriage doesn't fail. PEOPLE fail themselves and they fail each other. They enter marriage with unrealistic expectations and run at the first hint of trouble instead of staying to work on the... Dating

17 d

Should I allow my ex back in my children’s life?

Tell him that you are willing to gradually allow him back into the children's lives, but he needs to start paying child support in an amount determined by law (NOT by what HE thinks is reasonable)... Break Up & Divorce

17 d

Are you a romantic person?

I'll give you a hint: I sang to my bride at our wedding. Relationships

17 d

What is a medicare tax?

Medicare tax is a tax on your income, currently set at 1.45%. It is collected from every paycheck. It is intended to fund the Medicare system so that when YOU reach age 65 (or become disabled) the... Other

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