Open letter to "why would men get married anyway?"

Open letter to

link to question

A young guy just posted a short question, well statement about marrage.

This is what I want to say to all the guys who feel this way:

Dear guys,

Yes marrage is a sham, an unbenificial contract, the worst form of business contract you could ever imagine. Why? Because it is unnatural.

Marrage was a firm of contract to unionise monarchies and wealthy families to prevent wars or fights breaking out. It was never for the poorer classes. However with democratic societies rising the union if marrage was granted for all.

I do agree with you modern day marrage is a complete joke because if you enter into a contract and then the marrage fell apart,you as the male are at fault regardless and lose your assets and become poor.

But could I say your bitterness upsets me. I know you are trying to get your head around it but yes women are not worth it. Move on, I have.

I have respect for you because at this age you can go travelling, make money,experience life without being hindered. Pussy is cheap, but life is not.

No such thing as "love"


Ladies if you are reading the reverse the sexes

Open letter to "why would men get married anyway?"
Post Opinion