Marriage has never ended in divorce

Marriage has never ended in divorce

I dont believe modern marriage is a good idea. But do what you want, It's not my life I'm talking about. I've never even been married.

But I still haven't ever met two people who were truly married anyway. in the western world actual marriage has been extinct for over a century.

What you call marriage is really elopement. It's an adjunctification of two people, traditionally a man and a woman, but not the traditional definition where 2 sexual beings become 1 asexual being.

Thats what marriage is, and it doesn't happen anymore. We've forgotten so badly what marriage that we even think 2 of the same sex can be married. How can 2 of the same sex become a complete being together?

Calling that marriage is like boxwine being called champagne.

Marriage has never ended in divorce

It's always been about money and security. A lot of people get worked up over that. But usually marriage happens for practical reasons. Unfortunately, the main reason today seems to be for women to extract money from men

Marriage has never ended in divorce
11 Opinion