Marriage Relationship Rules

Marriage Relationship Rules

Everything in life is guided by laws, even as individuals we have personal principles.

Rules are meant to be respected, Part of your assignment as an individual is to identify the rules guiding your partner and to respect them. There is need for agreement before setting out rules in marriage, sit and discuss what is right for your relationship and stick to it. Do not force rules on your partner but live by example and let love and respect be your watch words.

Balancing your marriage.

Do not take out of your marriage more than what you can bring in. If your spouse is contributing in one way, then it is best for you to contribute in the other way. By doing this, it will help balance things up.

Since marriage is a team work, it is best to remove the concept of “I” because it is self-regarding, and to introduce the concept of “we” denoting partnership.

You need to listen to your partner, most times he/she does not need to cry out before you act or give attention. Just study the body language and that will give you hint on how to react. The importance of balancing things up in your marriage can be given in a pictorial way, if you cook a soup and certain ingredients are missing, the food will not taste fine, but if the ingredients are all complete and in the right proportion, the food will be good for you and others to eat. It is a fact that as we grow, our priorities changes and we shade a bit of the irresponsible behaviors. But then in marriage we need to check for the weeds, because these are spoilers, these could be anything that would hinder the peace, love, joy of any true marriage.

Marriage Relationship Rules

Streamline your priorities, to God, family, health, job, etc.

If any other thing fails, you run to God and family, so those two are very important. After the first two, comes your job, your family needs the money to stay alive. But I am not stating that all others are not important but you need to simple balance things up, show your importance to all, but don’t miss in any. Be conscious of time and seasons. By time, I mean you should know when your family needs you at home, and at such time you have to be there to fulfil your family responsibilities. This also applies to seasons like Christmas, New Year, Easter, etc. try and be there for your spouse, because this is the essence of marriage.

Marriage Relationship Rules

Service to your spouse

The greatest duty we owe our Creator is service, but the truth is that we serve God through serving mankind. Real love is all about service. People render service in different ways, but all has the meaning of love. For example: cooking a meal, washing the dish, laundry, etc. One distinguishing factor between a service and a mere act is that service is carried out with a pure motive, and without expecting anything in return. Service has nothing to do with oneself, it is all about the other person, in this case your partner. And when service is carried out righteously, it brings blessings and joy. The joy in marriage lies in service. Some couple out of fear of doing something hurtful or wrong, do not take any action. Though it seems harmless, but the truth is that lack of service does not help the marriage. Try and do something because there is no lesson and growth without any effort. Through trying and failing, you pick your lessons and grow with it. Service is more than simply being nice, it all about identifying the need and acting on it. The benefit of service to your spouse may be that a problem is solved, but to you the doer, it brings more joy, peace of mind, and fulfillment to you. One secret of service in marriage is listening inwardly, you should be able to perceive what is needful, helpful, and appreciative and don’t wait to be told or ask, just move and do something about it. This way you will enhance your marriage and live peaceable with your spouse and be happy.

“No joy can equal the joy of serving others”.

- Sai Baba

“Life is never so busy that there is no time to serve”.

- Unknown

“The best way to find yourself, is to lose yourself in the service of others”.

- Mohandas Gandhi

Learn to be there for your partner

Marriage Relationship Rules
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