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How to know if he's just friendly or a player? Will I have a chance to shoot my shot?

This classmate first attempted to talk to me in the fall 2023. Coincidentally, we got classes together again in spring 2024. He's always the person to talk to me first, I never went up to him. I'm an introvert and I'd always mind my own business or not talk to anyone. There were a few times he would come talk to me about his classes, cheer me up with a smile randomly when we are in our group projects [we were not in the same group], he would compliment me a lot like "good job" "cheer up (my name), you got this" "you can do this!", he'll wave very cutely at me a lot when I enter class, lean to me, some days it seems like he's waiting to walk with me or talk to me when we're alone, he likes to joke with me in a light hearted way, and he'd ask a lot of questions about me. He's an extroverted guy and talks with everyone but I'm only seeing him treat me this way. I caught feelings for him after 4 months of getting to know him in our light conversations. I ended up texting him first because I wanted to shoot my shot. I asked him to go out for coffee for his bday with a smirk emoji. He asked me "Are you trying to ask me out?". I hesitated in panic so I told him he was being delusional and that I was only trying to be considerate towards his bday. Plus I told him "says the guy that kept flirting and verbally love bombing me all semester with the side eye emoji". He wrote back with "My bad girl, I was reading the emojis wrong. I didn't mean to come off that way, that's just how I am with women". He never said yes or no to the coffee. After a few talks and jokes about him being a player. He says "I'm not a player. We are going to leave at, you haven't truly seen me flirt." Then he switched the subject. Overall, he seems to be a good friend. He wasn't dry in our conversations and we had a meaningful long paragraph text of our interests of life for 4 days straight. Seems like I'm in a unrequited love the whole time lol I still like him. But should I continue to pursue him?

How to know if he's just friendly or a player? Will I have a chance to shoot my shot?
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