People who are/were married, did you have sex the night of the wedding?

I think that it's impossible! After a whole day of getting ready (make up, hairdresser, clothing) and dancing etc the bride and her groom would be super exhausted. I would expect that the first thing on their mind once they're in their house/ hotel room is to sleep after a tiring day, specially if the bride is virgin and would need some time and preparation so it won't hurt (the guy needs to take his time) and after a long day they might not be ready to take a lot of time.

If you're not married yet, do you think you'll have sex the day of the wedding?
People who are/were married, did you have sex the night of the wedding?

I'm married/I've been married and we had sex on the wedding night.
I'm married/I've been married and we didn't have sex on the wedding nigt
I'm not married yet and I think I'd have sex on the wedding night
I'm not married yet and I don't think I'd have sex on the night
I'm never getting married/Other/Results
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People who are/were married, did you have sex the night of the wedding?
40 Opinion