10 year marriage with no spark?

I have been married for 10 years and my wife shows no affection. We do get along good but we are more like roommates. We both have careers and we also have three children. I can count on 1 hand the number of compliments she has given over the last couple years. She almost never touches me, I am not talking about sexually touching. I am not the stereotypical husband either. I cook almost every night for our kids, have a good career, clean the house, exercise, give her numerous compliments, listen to her, etc. I am not perfect but I have really tried to be a good person/husband. I even had us go to marriage counseling to talk about our differences. She did not feel comfortable talking to the counselor so we stopped that. My problem is that life could be so much more enjoyable and I have told her that I need some affection. I am not being dramatic all I am needing is simple verbal and physical affection I am not sure what else to do at this point. The strange thing is if I initiate sex she has no problem receiving and fully enjoying it.
10 year marriage with no spark?
8 Opinion