How can I improve my marriage & make it work for years ahead?

I have been in this relationship for almost 3 years now, we stay together for 1 year plus before getting married, which I pushed myself into, so my wife would feel more secured and to help her improve her quality of life in a foreign country. She has her charm & yeah I do love her.
However after marriage things has not improved, she has balloon up a fair bit. Stressing herself with unnecessary finances (I'm working too, am a software engineer. I get paid decently, I do not make her pay much other than her own personal expenses like her gym membership or so), lastly her career progression.

Here's the problem.
1) For someone (her) that goes gym every week 3 - 4 times & spent at least 1hr or more plus eating her standard salad & all those meals she learn from YouTube which is healthy eating related. The results isn't showing at all. I have tried to ask her what workout she does at gym & if she is calculating her macros correctly, so I could maybe help her shape up or reach her goal. She always replies by saying I'm stressing her by asking too much & that I might get her too stressed until she doesn't eat anything for a week or two & potentially getting hospitalized.
2) She is stuck in her career because she's in the sales line of work, and a very niche industry to add. I have tried to help her improve by investing my time into her, by educating her in, some light IT related skills or share personal development books to help her find her direction in life. But she always complains that her 9 to 5 job drains her & need to rest after work. I stopped interfering her when she says I'm stressing her by asking her to read books or improve herself after work hours.
3 ) Planning for a house, The finance part comes into play. She will contribute half & myself too. Which is more than enough with our income added up. I have being doing financial planning with her lately & one day she said everytime we talk, is always about money & it stress her.
How can I improve my marriage & make it work for years ahead?
2 Opinion