A question from good faith (I promise). Why do you think white women struggle when marrying interracial while white men excel?

I’m not white but was looking at stats and it shows that white women, no matter who they marry wether it be black or Hispanic or Asian, they will increase their chances of having a divorce.
A white husband will decrease his chances or it stays the same but it doesn’t get worse. You don’t really have a high risk if you’re a white guy and marry an Asian, Hispanic or black girl. If you don’t believe me, do the research yourself.

I have heard that white women sometimes marry out for the wrong reasons wether it be to get revenge and breed outside her race, or she has a strong preference for mixed babies only if they are a boy.
I also read that they want to marry out to have more power over someone. Like if she dates a Hispanic man, she won’t see him the same level as her. I’ve heard a lot from Hispanic friends that they were called racial slurs during arguments and one guy I know has a preference for white women but got turned off by what he heard his friends say. He just finds them pretty now but has a strong preference to not date them.

A question from good faith (I promise). Why do you think white women struggle when marrying interracial while white men excel?
A question from good faith (I promise). Why do you think white women struggle when marrying interracial while white men excel?
2 Opinion