Which girl would you want your Son to marry?


Your hypothetical Son is 29, a medical doctor doing an orthopedic surgical residency, and is on a fast track to wealth and prestige. You worked hard to put him through all of his school. Which woman below would you choose for him to marry. WHY?

This girl is 29, has two kids from two different BD's is divorced, works as a bartender at a night club. She has some baby daddy drama, but says it's not bad. Constantly posts selfies.
This girl is 26, super active on social media and blogging, admits to an abortion, very feminist, has many tattoos and piercings, often goes clubbing with her friends. Is still "friends" with her ex's. Likes to drink and smokes when she drinks.
This girl is 21, a virgin, is a violinist for a small local symphony, works part time as a church secretary. Her only social media is private and the only men are close family members. She doesn't drink, smoke,. or do drugs. She wants to start a family and stay home with the kids.
This girl is 24, did Only Fans for a year, now works in HR, likes to go clubbing, dates several men at a time, friends with all ex's. Prefers guys as friends.
Select gender and age to cast your vote:
7 mo
The purpose of this question was to demonstrate the characteristics men value in a woman. The results speak for themselves.
7 mo
So far 93% of men want #3, and yet women are arguing that she is a bad choice. Priceless.
1 mo
I am constantly shocked by how little women care about the woman their sons choose. It's almost as of you want your Son to be miserable.
Which girl would you want your Son to marry?
37 Opinion